Myth Money Match

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Myth Money Match

Post by Cutard »


This came to me from watching pro fighting game tournaments. The players that go to these things usually have side matches where they bet money and often it ends up being the most exciting games for the entire weekend. The natural transition to myth would be 1v1s but I think it's also viable for teams.

So the idea would be that each team puts up a certain amount of money per player and it's placed in an escrow service. Teams would be formed without any restrictions and a weekend will be selected where everyone can show up. Obviously a neutral host is needed (wwo?) and a TO (me? wwo? punkuser?) which everyone playing agrees to would have absolute authority to mediate. I would be thinking ideally 7v7 with best of 7 (or higher?) with pretty standard maps which both teams also agree to.

Also it seems apparent that both teams would probably be stacked as people want the best chance of winning, so if there's enough interest maybe there should be one match with a restriction on it where its 3 ball players and lower only? Or maybe its any player can capt but only 3 ball players and lower to fill out the team?

Or adren and gkg can just 1v1 each other.
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Re: Myth Money Match

Post by Cutard »

Btw, if you're for this feel free to throw in thoughts/ideas.
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Re: Myth Money Match

Post by Asmodian »

This would be awesome and I would definitely be down if it were best of 7 series, anything shorter is too short with money on the line and anything longer than that just becomes brain melting.

My doubts about this being able to be successful though is with all the mythers that would take this too seriously and avoid playing at certain times they could make because it isn't the 'perfect' conditions for them or refuse to play certain maps if their side is losing. If this were to happen the money would have to be pooled before the actual results or many times it never shows up (I know for running a fantasy football league for 4 years with a cash pool).
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Re: Myth Money Match

Post by punkUser »

Sounds cool if you could pull it off. Let me know how I can help if there's enough interest.

Note that in terms of lag you could potentially swap back and forth or something as well each game if need be, although TBH in Myth just having someone generally central to most players is usually good enough.
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Re: Myth Money Match

Post by wwo »

Would be very interesting, for sure. I'm not sure how much disposable income mythers have or would be willing to risk losing with so much out of their control. Also, with cash on the line, you bring in the horrible reality of assholes dummying or host crashing. It'd be fun, but there's just not enough regulatory control to make this feasible, imo.
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Re: Myth Money Match

Post by Cutard »

Yeah you would certainly need the money in after everything has been decided, including the day/time of the match, neutral host, etc. One person on each team would be designated for collecting/distributing. I've personally never really used escrow but shai suggested it, or everyone could just agree on an individual to handle the prize money? I was thinking around 15 dollars or thereabouts per player, the price of a 3D movie for an entertaining match.

wwo: yeah everything that can go wrong in a tournament is magnified with this, that's the major issue I see besides getting people to commit. To me the obvious choice of a TO via experience would obviously be grim if he's up for it.

I think the next step if there appears to be enough interest is having a registration and taking a look at who the people are that are actually for it, then if two teams can form out of that pool of players we can get the particulars in order, then collect.

Getting ahead of things: as far as maps go I was thinking of classics like trow terries/fr, desert, acts fr, things like that. I'd really like to see an allied game in there.
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Re: Myth Money Match

Post by dac »

i would sign up to lose my money, sure, depending on who was in control of it for the match starting.

so many people dump money into games after the initial purchase price, why the hell not. if it brought back any myth care levels that would be great.
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Re: Myth Money Match

Post by Zak »

If this doesn't take off it just means mythers are broke!
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Re: Myth Money Match

Post by punkUser »

Zak wrote:If this doesn't take off it just means mythers are broke!
Which may well be the case judging from some of the machines that people still try and play on ;)

That said, I'm sure there'd be a few people - myself included - that might be willing to throw in a few dollars just to add to the pot.
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Re: Myth Money Match

Post by Honkey »

It should be 25 per person. That way the pot is worth playing for.
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Re: Myth Money Match

Post by Pogue »

Zak wrote:If this doesn't take off it just means mythers are broke!
Guess we won't be seeing Milk Man then.
Honkey wrote:It should be 25 per person. That way the pot is worth playing for.
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Re: Myth Money Match

Post by rawr »

I'm game make it a tournament 50 dollar buy in . Winners split pot size
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Re: Myth Money Match

Post by Giant Killer General »

if someone wants to give bet money on 1v1 matches against me, i am of course always available.

i barely hold the interest to finish this mwc let alone any other team stuff afterward, but I wish everyone else the best of luck with this endeavor.

grim will undoubtedly be unavailable, so i recommend paris organize it and hold the funds in escrow for everyone.
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Re: Myth Money Match

Post by BIG KROK V8 SS »

$100 to anyone who can beat a single one of any of my MDQ records. $100.
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Re: Myth Money Match

Post by Homer »

I think GKG was joking about Paris handling the money, good joke.

We should definitely do this, just use paypal - for trusted team member on each side to hold that teams money, then they can transfer it to winning teams holder. Escrow service would work but I thought they charged a lot? Maybe not.

Rawr is a pussy because he totally ignored my generous offer.

Myth average age has increased quit a bit since the 2004 era I would hope everyone has 15$ at this point in their lives?

Lets get this rolling, I can't wait.
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Re: Myth Money Match

Post by Cutard »

Ideally you would have all the money with one neutral person/service who then distributes it to the winner. If both teams want to just have a gentlemen's agreement to pay out then that works too but I think there's a very high probability of people welching and then everyone will be far less up for doing this again. If your money is truly gone to a prize pool then that adds significance.

Escrow does typically have a fee. I'm all for one person holding the money, there has to be at least one person that I think everyone would trust to hold a grand total of $210? Not to put them on the spot but two names that instantly come to mind are: wwo, shai.
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Re: Myth Money Match

Post by Asmodian »

I would suggest PunkUser be the 3rd party person involved if he would be willing to do it, wow and shai work also.
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Re: Myth Money Match

Post by Cutard »

Yeah, I don't think anyone would have a problem with punkuser. The individual holding the prize money obviously has the last say on things if problems do occur, so they will have to be there for the match and not playing. So if one of the three is completely up for that then let it be known.
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Re: Myth Money Match

Post by frozenfire »

im down to throw down money as long as par doesnt hold or he pays me gekko and kirk the money he owes us
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Re: Myth Money Match

Post by Cutard »

I'd say it is each teams responsibility to pick someone reliable to be in charge of their money.
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Re: Myth Money Match

Post by frozenfire »

i think itd be cool if it was random team games though instead of 1v1s, u just have to deal with whosever on ur team, i think the importance and seriousness of the money would outweigh the egos in an otherwise unconcerned match which woulda also add some extra interesting dynamic to the games
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Re: Myth Money Match

Post by Chohan »

Just make sure no one is a jew, and i'm sure they could hold it.
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Re: Myth Money Match

Post by Asmodian »

so now that we are aware that people are actually down lets actually make this happen instead of just talk about it. Are you going to organize the first one cu?
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Re: Myth Money Match

Post by Homer »

Rule number 1, until each person deposits the money into an account and reports the username and login they will be playing under they cannot register for the tournament this will have to be enforced by the person receiving the deposits in their account. WWO or Shai or whomever. Don't register a team that hasnt deposited a cent into the jar. Pay first then register, then I take your money.
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Re: Myth Money Match

Post by wwo »

Money has to be collected upfront. Absolutely no one gets to play based only on a promise to pay. The best situation is 'Moneyholder' only deals with the Team Captains, because if I have to deal with 12+ individuals giving me money, as opposed to 2 team captains, I am not going to be willing for buy-in deadlines getting ignored.
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Re: Myth Money Match

Post by Cutard »

Yeah, match doesn't happen unless you're getting $90 from each captain if it's 6v6, getting bits and pieces of the total prize money from a bunch of people is a giant headache. Collecting money should be the absolute last thing to happen before the match. Another thing to consider is what do we do if something suddenly comes up for people where they can't show, do we just cancel the match and send the money back? That's a very real possibility to consider. Also, can we check individual ip addresses before the match? What about if a team starts complaining about lag on the neutral host? What about player drops during the game? I think there's a high chance that teams are going to work on some strats before the match, maybe extensively,do we really want to be lenient with drops like in MWC where they can abuse it and see the other team's trade and initial positions?
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Re: Myth Money Match

Post by Asmodian »

Another thing to consider is what do we do if something suddenly comes up for people where they can't show, do we just cancel the match and send the money back?
No, we do not cancel the match. That would waste the time of everyone who showed up and went through the effort of getting their money to the necessary person. If something comes up for that person the team can grab any sub. About their money? Tough Luck, it is 10$ if you have something more important to do go for it, it isn't the end of the world.
Also, can we check individual ip addresses before the match?

This should not matter as long as the team has sent the proper amount of money per player to the 3rd person party. The point of these money games are to have the best team possible anyways so you can win. So I don't see a problem.
What about if a team starts complaining about lag on the neutral host?
If it is early on before anything significant has happened then rehost and find another neutral host, if it has happened after major plays have been made it is probably just a lie in attempt to cheat the other team and should not be allowed imo.
What about player drops during the game?
Same thing as above, If it happens early on RH the game. If it happens and the game could have 'realistically' gone either way, the team that did not have the player drop should show some sportsmanship and rehost (this is not much money and I am only interested in it for some fun and competition, show some class). If a player drops and the game was already decided then play the game out and no redo of the game is needed.

Question: Are you actually going to make this happen Cu or was this just a wishful idea. It is better to get something set it stone before mwc ends in 1 week if this is actually going to take off in any form.
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Re: Myth Money Match

Post by punkUser »

Asmodian wrote: If it is early on before anything significant has happened then rehost and find another neutral host, if it has happened after major plays have been made it is probably just a lie in attempt to cheat the other team and should not be allowed imo.
Yeah I think the best you can do is find 1-2 neutral hosts that players are happy with. If the two teams disagree (due to being highly geographically located), flip a coin for the first one then swap even/odd hosts.