Maps by Round

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Maps by Round

Post by Myrk »

All maps are normal difficulty unless stated otherwise. FR = flag rally, KOTM = King of the Map, KOTH = King of the Hill, LMOTH = Last Man on the Hill.

Round 1 - October 19th 3 pm est

Drowned Empire FR 12 minutes
The Barrens Venice 2v2 KOTM 12 minutes
Poison Holiday (dark) FR 14 minutes
Trow Stampede NUT 12 minutes
Acts of Piety FR 12 minutes

Round 2 - October 26th 3 pm est

Calm before the storm (legendary difficulty) KOTM 10 minutes
Great Divide FR 14 minutes
Clash in the Cloudspine Captures 12 minutes ***
Hvergelmir (light) FR 12 minutes
Caer Cadarn (dark) Terries 12 minutes

Round 3 - November 2nd 3pm est

Dead of Winter CTF 12 minutes
Mjilaphobia (dark) FR 12 minutes
Keep M2 KOTM 10 minutes
Tamaerlin (dark) KOTH 10 minutes
Cracks FR 12 minutes

Finals - November 9th 2pm est

Drowned Empire KOTM 10 minutes
Smells Like My Nemesis In Here FR 14 minutes
Great Divide (4 team) Assassin 14 minutes
Creep on the Borderlands LMOTH 8 minutes
Shuffle Off This Mortal Coil FR 12 minutes
Lichen Unto Death FR 12 minutes
Trow Terries 8 minutes

PS I'll edit this post later with links to the maps, if anyone could pm me working links it would be appreciated.

***For clash captures, if both captains agree, NUT can be played or both teams can simply agree to both not trade for trow. FR can be played instead of caps also. I won't be counting any games where one team trades for trow and the other doesn't.
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Re: Maps by Round

Post by Asmodian »

7/15 games are FR when there is only 1 game of ctf and territories which are both good game types. That seems really excessive and pretty frustrating to cap the same things over and over again for the captains

Clash of he Cloud spine is really boring to play in a tournament, especially captures. If you want to stick with classic stuff swap it with Dessert Territories, that is one of the best reg maps.

Barren Venice KOTM is cool, but KOTM needs to be 10 mins or less or it just turns into BC.

Is there a reason Trow Tert in the finals is 8 mins as a opposed to 10 or 12?

These are just my suggestions except for the cloud spine. That NEEDS to change.
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Re: Maps by Round

Post by wwo »

FR is easily the best 2t gametype (though KotM could unseat it once enough people get used to it). I think half of all games being FR is just about the right setup.

With few exceptions, CTF is a shit gametype. Unless there's a huge talent discrepancy, risking a loss when a tie can be nearly guaranteed is a genuinely stupid plan. No one's ever done it, but the best place for CTF is game 5 (of 5). Throw in that many maps are decidedly unfair (mockingbird) or suicidally pointless (clash), you're further restricted to trying to force a CTF onto a map that is likely far better suited for FR, TER, or CAPS. However, of the maps listed, I would support CTF on one of the following: DE, Poison, Calm, Mjila, Smells, or Lichen. The rest are absolute shit for CTF.

Captures is severely underrated as a gametype, and I'd personally like to see more of it, especially on more open maps like Barrens and Calm. It's difficult because no one can afford to be a moron in the first 2 minutes (when most captures games are won or lost). However, captures on a map where balls are guaranteed to get stuck somewhere inconvenient, and with 2 trow making guarding straggler balls impossible, I think changing from Clash to Cracks would be an excellent idea.
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Re: Maps by Round

Post by par73 »

yea i agree FR is the best GT on myth 2, and also, makes me reminisce on the old scoring system which totally rocked in regards to fr games (i.e. some matches went down to "we need to defend a total of three flags all game, or we lose", where-as with W-T-L you would need to defend at least one but also get the win).

this list looks good, i mean the finals look kinda long, but i guess that's how it's supposed to be.
the 8 minute trow terries is a great idea ;)
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Re: Maps by Round

Post by punkUser »

I agree that FR is definitely one of the best modes... no strong opinion on how many. I really don't like captures simply because the ball physics/handling in Myth is terrible so it becomes just an exercise in randomness and frustration a lot of the time, but at least it's still balanced I guess.

KOTM is exciting, but the times look a bit long. I'd generally say 8-10 minutes rather than 10-12 is ideal for KOTM, else you end up in a situation at the end where it's just whomever has more ghol left, etc. will win. Maybe we should do a test game or two of KOTM on these maps to zero in on the times.

I also hate allies games, but there seems to only be one, so I'll live :)
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Re: Maps by Round

Post by Myrk »

Terries has pretty much been replaced with KOTM. My reason for this is pretty simple. The whole reason why we play terries is it forces you to spread out and take map control in order to win in theory, but in reality it's just a bc fight most of the time with flags not really meaning anything unless one team is too clumped up near the end. KOTM rewards taking map control much better than terries does. Also KOTM is pretty new and hasn't even been done in a tournament on these maps so it should be more interesting for everyone. The game times were basically just a guess on my part since obviously testing these games with 2 full teams in 2013 isn't going to happen. My goal is to have map control matter while allowing teams to have a reasonable time to duke it out.

Regarding the longer game time on Barrens, Venice style fights can drag on awhile and I wasn't sure if a shorter game time would be such a great idea. We'll see. Either way it's balanced and teams can deal with it.

Captures Clash will stay unless one side gets a significant start advantage for grabbing balls (this game was in MWC99 finals and I don't think anyone complained at the time), in which case I'll just change it to another gametype, probably FR.

Also regarding the prevalency of FR, that's simply because fr/terries/kotm are for the most part the only good gametypes for big team games in my opinion, in the order of FR>>>KOTM>>>Terries. I wouldn't have even thrown in any games of ctf, stampede or captures except I figured people would want a little bit of variety in each match.
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Re: Maps by Round

Post by Ratking »

Maps look good to me. I do think if we change the maps it should be done by a vote of the captains, or something of that nature.
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Re: Maps by Round

Post by punkUser »

Good explanation Myrk, works for me.
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Re: Maps by Round

Post by Asmodian »

Disagree regarding the game types, I feel like territories,ctf,captures,assassin,stampede can all be great 2t game types if placed with the right maps. Also tert and KOTM definitely do not have the same concept and it is possible to win a tert game without just turning it into BC. Oh well though, I'm not hosting the tournament so i'll play it as is.

Only thing I really want changed is the Clash. Just an awful pick with nearly 0 strategy in it. The only clash game type combo that has any strategy is FR and basically only 3-4 people get to play in that while everyone else stands around guarding flags. Really boring and very cookie cutter for a 2t tournament.

Edit: Yes, clash was played in the 1999 finals. Have you ever seen those films? Brain melting to say the least.
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Re: Maps by Round

Post by par73 »

Asmo you had a chance to host two tournaments and pick whatever maps you wanted for those tournaments.

Now sit down shut up and get over the fact that players in the 1999 MWC finals will always be far more knowledgeable about myth strategy than you ever will.

Comments like "Clash Captures has absolutely no strategy involved" makes me wonder if you're actually serious or truly confident when you make these "Greatest Strategist On Myth" claims, and if you're just lying to yourself trying to convince others of your lies.
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Re: Maps by Round

Post by Asmodian »

I am participating in the tournament and contributing to it, so I have the right to complain about something that I feel can be improved on.
par73 wrote: Now sit down shut up and get over the fact that players in the 1999 MWC finals will always be far more knowledgeable about myth strategy than you ever will.
How ignorant can you be? You sound like someone who believes everything teachers say without questioning it or a person who says "shut up we elected them" about politicians in office.

First off I didn't say, "Absolutely no strategy involved". Of course there is strategy in every game you play on here, but Clash of the Cloud spine is very limited.

Every post I make you reply trying to degrade me and it's getting pretty old. All I known is my approach to myth strategy just won me two tournaments in a row and has been the same approach that has won three straight MWC's. So apparently these "lies" you are speaking of seem to have truth behind them, which has been proven for years now.
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Re: Maps by Round

Post by dac »

hverg needs a mesh.
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Re: Maps by Round

Post by Myrk »

Fixed. Hverelmir is the light version.
East Wind tmnt
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Re: Maps by Round

Post by East Wind tmnt »

Fuck clash caps, but others are fine.
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Re: Maps by Round

Post by Myrk »

I had a brilliant idea about clash caps.
For this particular map, teams can agree to either do regular clash caps, or do NUT or just a no-trow trade.
You can also play fr on it instead.
This should make everyone happy.
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Re: Maps by Round

Post by Zak »

What if both teams can't agree
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Re: Maps by Round

Post by Myrk »

then it's regular clash caps.
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Re: Maps by Round

Post by par73 »

Asmodian wrote: How ignorant can you be? You sound like someone who believes everything teachers say without questioning it or a person who says "shut up we elected them" about politicians in office.
If you honestly believe that you are an absolute moron.

I think myrk did a great job with the maps, people bitch about maps every tournament.

That's why I didn't pick maps for MWC; redirect all map-complaint idiocy to limp, task completed.
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Re: Maps by Round

Post by drunken_deer »

to Myrk- you map choices are commendable

to Players- does it really matter? You all know how to play each game-type and its not like one team will be disadvantaged from Myrks choices.
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Re: Maps by Round

Post by par73 »

Hey Myrk, if my team wanted to get no trow (manly) and Team THOR wants to get trow, are you still going to not count it?

Also you said all terries maps will be played as King of the Map instead, in some forum post I read a week or two ago.

So I am curious to the Caer Cadarn (Dark) selection of week 2, and I was wondering if this will end up being KotM or remain as terries?
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Re: Maps by Round

Post by Myrk »

if it says terries, it'll be terries.

And you're talking about clash? I suppose you could both agree that one of you gets trow and the other doesn't if you really wanted to.
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Re: Maps by Round

Post by par73 »

So what happens if we do it the old fashioned way.
if thor gets trow and my team gets manly (with no trow), do we score no points / is game nulll???
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Re: Maps by Round

Post by Myrk »

I'm sure if you decided to go no trow against a team that got trow on clash, your win not counting would be the least of your concerns.
My point is, you can both agree to do pretty well whatever trade you like, and if a team doesn't stand by their agreement you can feel free to drop the game and remake it. Just say something to the effect of "we're getting no trow and the other team is doing whatever" before fighting happens and I'll count it.