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Posted: 26 Jul 2013, 16:59
by Captain

Re: Raccoon

Posted: 26 Jul 2013, 17:05
by Captain
In response to this video


Re: Raccoon

Posted: 26 Jul 2013, 17:07
by adrenaline
I do not condone animal cruelty. Sorry Cap, you are off the team.

Re: Raccoon

Posted: 26 Jul 2013, 17:08
by Captain
lol, he was protecting his dog.

But the Gif is pretty funny

Re: Raccoon

Posted: 26 Jul 2013, 17:12
by adrenaline
I understand his actions after watching the video... but I still am not amused by cruelty to animals :(

Re: Raccoon

Posted: 26 Jul 2013, 17:14
by Captain
I am not promoting animal violence at all. I don't go throwing raccoons around but if one were attacking my dog I think I would have done far worse then throw it.

Re: Raccoon

Posted: 26 Jul 2013, 17:19
by adrenaline
I question why his dog was out there in the first place. And what kind of man has a fucking miniature poodle?

Re: Raccoon

Posted: 26 Jul 2013, 17:21
by Captain
Who knows, maybe wifes dog or something.

Some animal rights activists are freaking out over this video though.

I would like to throw them down the stairs.

Re: Raccoon

Posted: 26 Jul 2013, 17:34
by adrenaline
That throw probably killed the raccoon... it was a bit more than needed to be done probably... he probably could have scared it off just as easily or give it a little kick. I'm no animal rights activist, but I hate to see them badly hurt for no good reason.

Re: Raccoon

Posted: 26 Jul 2013, 17:47
by Captain
Yes but when your family is getting attacked by something, you don't know what is going to happen you aren't thinking you do whatever you can.

If anyone thinks this video is made to promote animal violence or saying he should have done something different is a bit too animal crazy for a PETA member or something, most of them need to get shot.

Re: Raccoon

Posted: 26 Jul 2013, 17:59
by adrenaline
I don't think he's trying to promote animal cruelty... but I don't know why he felt it necessary to post the video to youtube in the first place.

Re: Raccoon

Posted: 26 Jul 2013, 18:03
by East Wind tmnt
fucking 'coons

Re: Raccoon

Posted: 26 Jul 2013, 18:13
by adrenaline
ew ~wtf was expecting a hate-crime vid... this is most disappointing.

Re: Raccoon

Posted: 26 Jul 2013, 21:22
by limp

Re: Raccoon

Posted: 26 Jul 2013, 22:48
by pallidice
I dont really believe in animal crualty but some animals must know there place. We have tones of coons here and there always fucking shit up. I mean seriously those coons are always making homes under our porch(taking space away from us honest white folk), Making babes in our yard(raping our women), And stealing out of our trash cans(damn that idiot be running away with our TV). I rest my case. We also have a huge skunk problem here!!!

Re: Raccoon

Posted: 26 Jul 2013, 22:58
by Myrk
I didn't know raccoons could fly

Re: Raccoon

Posted: 26 Jul 2013, 23:57
by Honkey
#1- Toaster is a cool dog name but that is the reason you dont buy pussy idiot dogs like that. The old pitbulls that used to live with us used to chase racoons.

#2- Racoons are vile disgusting animals in urban areas. They eat out of garbage, rip it up, cause messes, and are all in all disgusting creatures that are not worthy of life and should be eradicated from all urban environments. They can spread diseases and are about the equivalent of a giant nasty rat.

#3- he did nothing wrong defending his animal. The racoon picked on a smaller animal and he in turn picked on the smaller raccoon. He taught that fucker a thing about the food chain.

That is all

Re: Raccoon

Posted: 27 Jul 2013, 03:30
by Chohan
Throwing the racoon was very mean and inhumane of him, I hope him and his girlfriend have a child that dies of birth defects for punishment in return.

Re: Raccoon

Posted: 27 Jul 2013, 03:42
by Giant Killer General
does anyone here realize how much coons can fuck you up with their claws?

I didn't think twice about him throwing it, I assumed he was trying to not get his face gouged out.

Re: Raccoon

Posted: 27 Jul 2013, 04:26
That guy needs to spray his dog before he goes out again.


Re: Raccoon

Posted: 27 Jul 2013, 06:42
by Myrk
Chohan wrote:Throwing the racoon was very mean and inhumane of him, I hope him and his girlfriend have a child that dies of birth defects for punishment in return.
Eh, don't you hate coons?

Re: Raccoon

Posted: 27 Jul 2013, 12:08
by SamTheButcher
Why in the world would you post that video? Maybe I can find a video of someone bashing a poodles head in that would be cool huh? WTF. I have 2 raccoons that I rescued as babies (I had to bottle feed them) 5 years ago. I can tell you for a fact they are better and much more intelligent animals than that little ratty ass poodle. Little dogs suck anyway. Also that raccoon was fairly young about 1 yr old probably younger from the size of it and only recently on its own and wasnt trying to kill that dog or it would have pretty quickly. What probably happened was the idiot owner let the dog out. The raccoon was already on the landing. The dog ran down and attacked the raccoon. The raccoon was trying to fight the dog off so he could get away. A raccoon would not go up that landing to fight that dog. The raccoon was there the dog attacked it. A raccoon is only going to fight if it has no other choice.

The raccoon probably didnt die immediately from him throwing it. It probably got some broken bones and internal damaged and died slowly and painfully over a few days. Why they fuck would that guy post the video in the first place other than he thought it was cool. It doesnt matter what he wrote at the beginning of the video. If he felt bad for doing it but thought it was his only choice then there was no need to show it off to the world.

Still though why did you post it? Do think animal cruelty is cool? Do you torture animals?

Re: Raccoon

Posted: 27 Jul 2013, 16:02
by Ratking
This is a classic case of emotions clouding reason. CLEARLY this is not a case of animal cruelty. A wild animal attacked this guy's dog and he defended it. This has nothing to do with starvation, neglect, or physical abuse.

Why people react with such shock will always amaze me. Nobody raised that animal Sam, it's a wild creature. While I don't go around looking to hurt animals for the fun of it, if one tries to hurt me or mine it's history.

There are so many real cases of actual torture of animals that focusing on this (if you wish to truly help) is laughable. Go donate your time or money if you feel so strongly.

Re: Raccoon

Posted: 27 Jul 2013, 16:20
Also, all the comments about being offended by this being animal cruelty are retarded. I'm the most animal friendly person in this game, and I found nothing wrong with this. It's a matter of hierarchy and defending your kin. The raccoon would have been FINE after that tumble but would have learned a lesson. Honkey is also correct, urban coons are vile and revolting and carry disease in addition to destroying things. I live in the woods with natural ones and they behave much more differently and don't try to attack other domestic animals and they are much more timid of human presence.

Now here's something to cheer us all up.


Re: Raccoon

Posted: 27 Jul 2013, 16:31
by SamTheButcher
Its not so much what the guy did. Although there were better ways to break up the fight. The raccoon was most likely critically injured from it and suffered a lot so its not something that a normal person would be proud of doing. But this guy posted the video why would he post it? Because he was proud of what he had done. Thats the problem I have with it.

If I would have been in that situation I for one wouldnt have throw that raccoon like that. He risked getting bit grabbing it and it was just way more than was necessary. I would have used my foot to separate them. But even if I was as dumb about it as this idiot and thought I had no other choice but to throw it down the stairs like that. Its not something I would be proud of and want to show the world what I did. I would feel I did what I had to do but it sucks I had to do it. This fuck obviously dont feel that way. He critically injures it most likely causing it to have a slow painful death and feels so good about it he wants to show the world. He is a piece of shit and doesnt give a shit about animals and causing them to suffer other than he thinks it makes for a cool video. What else does he think would be a cool video, torturing stray cats? We know already he thinks hurting animals is cool.

Then Captain posts it here cause I guess he thinks it cool to.

WTF people who enjoy hurting or watching animals be hurt are fucking sick in the head. Jeffery Dahmer used to like that kind of shit to.

Re: Raccoon

Posted: 27 Jul 2013, 16:35

Re: Raccoon

Posted: 27 Jul 2013, 16:38
by SamTheButcher
BIG KROK V8 SS wrote:Also, all the comments about being offended by this being animal cruelty are retarded. I'm the most animal friendly person in this game, and I found nothing wrong with this. It's a matter of hierarchy and defending your kin. The raccoon would have been FINE after that tumble but would have learned a lesson. Honkey is also correct, urban coons are vile and revolting and carry disease in addition to destroying things. I live in the woods with natural ones and they behave much more differently and don't try to attack other domestic animals and they are much more timid of human presence.
Kirk your wrong did you see the way that raccoon bounced off the wall and those concrete steps. Its not fine. It has had massive injuries, probably brain damage, spinal injuries, broken bones and internal damage and died a slow and very painful death.

There is nothing cool about that at all and not just you but anyone defending this guy and him posting that video to show off what he did are totally in the wrong.

City raccoons are no worse than country raccoons either. Yea they get into stuff but people just need to secure their stuff so that they dont get into it. The raccoons and most animals were here first we pushed them out of their land. Even though thats just the way it goes there is no need for anyone to be cruel to animals.

Re: Raccoon

Posted: 27 Jul 2013, 17:05
by Captain
Sorry Sam,

I didn't post it here cause I thought it was "cool"

I posted it here to state the simple fact that there are a few nutcases out there who think what he did was wrong and animal cruelty. And wanted to hear what others thought about it. You are the first person I have seen have a problem with that video, which makes me feel truly sorry for you.

What's funny is you are the 1% that thinks what he did is wrong. Grow the fuck up, a dog is like a member of your family. If he was attacking my dog I would have picked him up and slammed him into the ground until he was dead. This way they can see if it has diseases I need to worry about with my dog.

I do not promote or encourage animal killing, but when it comes to protecting my family I will kill a raccoon without blinking an eye.

Re: Raccoon

Posted: 27 Jul 2013, 17:21
by Myrk

Here's some bait for you anti animal cruelty people (old video)
FYI the raccoon was asking for it

Re: Raccoon

Posted: 27 Jul 2013, 17:27
by vigor
Seriously, I didn't think "animal cruelty" applied to wild animals. If you keep them as pets or livestock you're responsible for them, but wild animals... I mean people go hunting right, killing isn't worse than throwing a racoon down some stairs?

The whole subject is just full of hypocricy, here in Sweden animal rightists are so concerned about the 200 wolves population, but none cares that hunters are expected to shoot 90 000 wild boars this year, because they tear up your garden and then it's OK??

Re: Raccoon

Posted: 27 Jul 2013, 18:14
by Ratking
Sam just compared a guy who threw a raccoon to Jeffrey Dahmer

Re: Raccoon

Posted: 27 Jul 2013, 18:51
by SamTheButcher
Captain wrote:Sorry Sam,

I didn't post it here cause I thought it was "cool"

I posted it here to state the simple fact that there are a few nutcases out there who think what he did was wrong and animal cruelty. And wanted to hear what others thought about it. You are the first person I have seen have a problem with that video, which makes me feel truly sorry for you.

What's funny is you are the 1% that thinks what he did is wrong. Grow the fuck up, a dog is like a member of your family. If he was attacking my dog I would have picked him up and slammed him into the ground until he was dead. This way they can see if it has diseases I need to worry about with my dog.

I do not promote or encourage animal killing, but when it comes to protecting my family I will kill a raccoon without blinking an eye.

Captain I already said that there were other ways he could have broken up the fight and even if he had no other choice than to do what he did. Why the fuck would he post the video for everyone to see what he did? Only reason for him to do it is because he thought it/he was cool thing to do. That is a fucked up person that thinks hurting animals is cool and something that he should show off.

If it would have done that (and I wouldnt because there were better ways) I would feel like shit afterwards definitely no so proud of myself I would want to show everyone.

The dog was probably the aggressor anyway. The raccoon didnt go up the stairs to attack the dog. The raccoon was there and the dog attacked it. So that shitty little yipping dog did just like those little shit dogs do and went after something it shouldnt have.

The raccoon is a better more intelligent animal that that little shit dog is.
vigor wrote:Seriously, I didn't think "animal cruelty" applied to wild animals. If you keep them as pets or livestock you're responsible for them, but wild animals... I mean people go hunting right, killing isn't worse than throwing a racoon down some stairs?

The whole subject is just full of hypocricy, here in Sweden animal rightists are so concerned about the 200 wolves population, but none cares that hunters are expected to shoot 90 000 wild boars this year, because they tear up your garden and then it's OK??
Why would animal cruelty not apply to wild animals. Wild animals dont feel pain? They dont have emotions or feeling? What makes them different from domestic animals. A lot of wild animals are more intelligent than domestic animals. That raccoon is far more intelligent than that little dog. Also I am not against killing a wild or domestic animal quickly and humanely for food or protection like hunting. What I am against is causing unnecessary pain and suffering for them.

The raccoon probably did die a slow and agonizing death over a few days. So yea it would have been better if the guy was hunting and shot it and made a clean kill.

You really dont see the difference between a total population of 200 vs 10's of thousands? That should be obvious to you. Besides if there were more wolves the boar population wouldnt be so high.
Ratking wrote:Sam just compared a guy who threw a raccoon to Jeffrey Dahmer
Yes I did. Obviously this guy felt good about the suffering and slow death he caused for that raccoon. Anyone that gets off on and enjoys making animals suffer is fucked in the head.

Re: Raccoon

Posted: 27 Jul 2013, 20:35
by Homer
Yeah urban coons are usually rabid assholes and they steal. He absolutely did the right thing here, my cat's entire stomach was split open from a coon fight once, I wasn't there so I don't know who started it, but it almost died.

If the coon died, so be it, get the fuck off this guys property. Considering this guy has cameras all over he is probably a soft-hearted drug dealer, who thought about getting a pitbull but went with a poodle instead to protect his stash, big mistake idiot. Little did he know his problem wasn't some addict tweaker, it was the urban coon.

What I'm really appalled about here though are all of Sam The Butcher's long, outraged posts. Someone named Sam The Butcher is complaining about animal rights of an urban coon that likely had rabies. Fuck you SAM THE BUTCHER, HOW DARE YOU EVEN MAKE A COMMENT. SOMEONE SHOULD THROW YOU DOWN SOME STAIRS, POODLE HATER. POODLE HATER!!!!

Sam the butcher with all of his years of coon/dog fight stopping experience would calmly but forcefully nudge the coon and dog apart with a firm separation and then proceed to explain to both the coon and the dog, why what they were doing was wrong.....

Then Sam The Butcher would calmly speed to the ER to get stitches up his wrist that had been split open by the coons razor sharp claws, have his eye replaced with glass because his was torn out, and have a 9 inch needle inserted into his stomach with the rabies vaccine. But it was all worth the 3,000$ medical bill, because a rabid coon was allowed to continue on about its day fucking up other neighborhood pets and debating about whether or not it wanted to eat a pile of garbage or consume the flesh of some women's baby in the stroller. Thank God For SAM THE BUTCHER, THAT MAN"S A SAINT, HE KNOWS HOW TO HANDLE COON'S.

Re: Raccoon

Posted: 27 Jul 2013, 20:55
by Honkey
Sam- "we invaded the raccoons territory so we shouldn't kill them"

Sam- "kill all the evil extremist Muslims..." While ignoring half of them are pissed over their territory being invaded

Re: Raccoon

Posted: 27 Jul 2013, 22:23
Sam, I toss raw meat to my pet coyote on my property and he has never once attacked any of my pets. I would not hesitate to kick his ass if he decides to attack any of them though. The coon survived just fine, they fall out of trees. He BARELY even grazed the concrete wall and landed just fine.

Re: Raccoon

Posted: 27 Jul 2013, 22:27
But also, this guy is stupid for posting the video. Just opens the floodgates for people to start whining and looking for a stance to take.

Re: Raccoon

Posted: 28 Jul 2013, 00:37
by SamTheButcher
I dont think some of you are getting my point. Or are purposefully trying to make it something its not.

I can almost understand the guy throwing it. An ignorant person seeing his dog in a fight with a coon freaks out and chucks it down the stairs. Stupid but I can kinda get that. Its the point that he is proud of what he did. He inflicted about the worst pain and suffering and probably death to that animal he could and he brags about it.

I would have rather he shot it. At least it would die quickly. What he did was terrible and certainly nothing to be proud of.

Homer your delusional. Some how you have created a fantasy about this guy being a soft hearted drug dealer? Who decided to buy a poodle over a real dog? lol? How the hell did you come up with that?

Rabies cases in raccoons at least in America is very rare.
Honkey wrote:Sam- "we invaded the raccoons territory so we shouldn't kill them"

Sam- "kill all the evil extremist Muslims..." While ignoring half of them are pissed over their territory being invaded
The extremist Muslims are the invaders and need to be suppressed so they dont destroy everything around them as they keep spreading out.

Comparing sympathy for animals vs people is pointless. There are plenty of people I would rather see dead over a worm or cock roach.

Re: Raccoon

Posted: 28 Jul 2013, 00:46
by Homer
Rabies cases in American coons are not rare at all, take Trayvon Martin for example.

ZING, too soon. :oops:

Re: Raccoon

Posted: 28 Jul 2013, 01:13
by SamTheButcher
Homer wrote:Rabies cases in American coons are not rare at all, take Trayvon Martin for example.

ZING, too soon. :oops:
Thats how we keep the rabies rate down. We take it out as soon as we see a case of it.

Re: Raccoon

Posted: 28 Jul 2013, 01:27
by SamTheButcher
BIG KROK V8 SS wrote: The coon survived just fine, they fall out of trees. He BARELY even grazed the concrete wall and landed just fine.
Dude they arent made out of rubber. They are flesh and bones just like people. They have a nervous and feel pain just like people do.

Imagine yourself being thrown off 2 stories on to a concrete set of steps. You would be totally fucked up. All kinds of broken bones, brain damage, internal damage. It would be almost a miracle if you lived. It is absolutely no different for that raccoon or most animals especially mammals.

Re: Raccoon

Posted: 28 Jul 2013, 03:19
by Pogue

Re: Raccoon

Posted: 28 Jul 2013, 03:27
Pogue wrote:[youtube][/youtube]


Re: Raccoon

Posted: 28 Jul 2013, 04:07
by Chohan
It's funny how a guy throws a racoon to save his dog in 'self defense of it' and the racoon more than likely died but it's ok.

George Zimmerman was attacked by a wild ape and shot the ape in self defense and the country loses their minds.


Re: Raccoon

Posted: 28 Jul 2013, 12:18
by SamTheButcher
Chohan wrote:It's funny how a guy throws a racoon to save his dog in 'self defense of it' and the racoon more than likely died but it's ok.

George Zimmerman was attacked by a wild ape and shot the ape in self defense and the country loses their minds.

I didnt even think about it but your right. Bunch of damn hypocrites.

Re: Raccoon

Posted: 28 Jul 2013, 12:20
by par73
even if a human being was attacking my dog I would still attack in it's defense

Re: Raccoon

Posted: 28 Jul 2013, 14:08
by pallidice
the dude should have let the coon finish off the dog then shot the coon. Then everyone would be happy
all the dog lovers and all the coon lovers... Hell even Sam and pogue would be happy, Sam so he could make himself a poodle coat and Pogue to make a COON hat!! FUCK ya

Re: Raccoon

Posted: 28 Jul 2013, 15:20
par73 wrote:even if a human being was attacking my dog I would still attack in it's defense

I would have put a bullet in the person. I would have chucked the coon the same way.

Re: Raccoon

Posted: 28 Jul 2013, 16:40
by Homer
So we are all on the same page here, we all hope that coon is dead.

Re: Raccoon

Posted: 29 Jul 2013, 10:02
by drunken_deer
do you guys keep raccoons as pets like dogs and cats? id love to have a pet raccoon in my backyard instead of a dog.

Re: Raccoon

Posted: 29 Jul 2013, 14:37
That means you have to feed them, and then they tell their friends and you end up with 600 of them in your backyard.