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Hey guys it's been a while!

Posted: 27 Mar 2013, 02:57
by newskin
It's amazing that people are still playing this game, I've been off for almost 2 years but I wanted to come back and see what's up. The only problem is acquiring a copy of it for MAC. Can anyone help me? I downloaded the 6 part files off of Enculators site I believe, and I even patched it, but as soon as I go to launch the game it just says that the game has unexpectedly crashed. It doesn't even make it to the title screen. If anyone knows a better download or a way to fix this it would be greatly appreciated! If I can get this to work I would love to get Jeff (raziel) back on as well. Hope all you fuckers are doing well =)

Re: Hey guys it's been a while!

Posted: 27 Mar 2013, 03:14
by Zak ... thread=987

catapulte: you know when people like
[8:10pm] fifi_: a child named lem bought a guitar from newskin
[8:11pm] fifi_: and never got it
[8:11pm] catapulte: literally have a stench to them
[8:11pm] catapulte: of shit
[8:11pm] catapulte: newskin had that
[8:11pm] fifi_: still his biggest fan
[8:11pm] catapulte: and him and his buddies were getting FUCKED UP on coricidin
[8:11pm] catapulte: and he was trying to bang some awful girl
[8:11pm] Fistingto: there was a cool picture of him with a stool superimposed on it too
[8:11pm] Fistingto: that was the best
[8:11pm] catapulte: who had cats and her litter box was fucking TOTALLY FULL in her bathroom

Re: Hey guys it's been a while!

Posted: 27 Mar 2013, 13:57
by valentine
this gold Jerry, gold!

Re: Hey guys it's been a while!

Posted: 29 Mar 2013, 03:50
by Dead Reckoning
Great, we can't wait to have you change your name, then join a game only to suicide.
Really miss your 12 year old shit in games.