Greatest Mythers of All Time (Article)

A single berserk reached us yesterday, after having come all the way over the mountains from the city of Willow, fourteen hundred miles away. He delivered to Alric a single package the size of a man's fist, wrapped in rags, and refuses to talk with anyone about events in the West.
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Greatest Mythers of All Time (Article)

Post by BIG KROK V8 SS »

I can't remember who made this article but it came out in 2012-2013? I was going through my old stuff and stumbled across it.

This is a fairly subjective list, but I would like anyone else to make a better argument. Best Myther Ever has always seemed to encompass most tournament wins, and 1v1 prowess. Sorry, but multiplayer is only HALF of Myth itself. Here is my top 10, with a few honorable mentions who were very difficult to not include in this list. Players will be rated on a series of categories: Coop Ability, 1v1, Multiplayer, Captain Abilities, Intangibles. 0-100 scale, 100 being the best.

My lists always start from the top, so let's reverse it this time to build up reader suspense.

10. Nemesis

Coop: 95
1v1: 82
Multiplayer: 80
Captain: 74
Intangibles: 78
Total: 409 points

Mortal Kombat Trilogy Equivalent: Johnny Cage


Troll post, right? Wrong. Nemesis won MWC on one of the greatest teams ever (Armageddon '08) and was a positive attribute on the team. He wasn't even the best 3 on the team, but he was certainly no slouch either. How in the hell is he top 10 though? I'll tell you why: Presets. Nem never used them. He never touched them, ever. He admitted to this many of times, and you could tell by his gameplay that he didn't either (for those of you experts out there who can tell by watching someone play). His multi-tasking abilities were very good, his 1v1 prowess was very strong, and an underrated captain when he needed to be. Also, he played with the handicap of living down under, and had to deal with lag and subpar internet for the majority of his Myth career. These are most of the things that Nemesis is mostly well known for, now let's dab into the ones he isn't.

Nem was a great coop player. Nem played coop? Yes he did. He formed an unlikely bond with Savanarola (one of the original kings of coop) and began setting Myth Done Quick (MDQ) records while everyone else argued about who could beat up who in real life. It wasn't until about 2-3 years ago that Nem's mark on Myth history was fully discovered. A hidden MDQ website revealed that Nem held many MDQ records that were never recorded on the Mariusnet website. Most of his came around the 2003 era, back when life on Myth was pretty bumpin. These hidden gems were discovered when Hadiez and myself undertook the challenge of trying to beat the existing MDQ records... and we did beat most of them... until we came across this website. We had to completely retool and rethink a handful of other maps, because our times were either not close or still not yet better than Nem's from 2003. Keep in mind Hadz and myself started doing these in 2011. It took a lot of work, but we were eventually able to beat them all, and actually had to watch one of Nem's films in order to beat his MDQ time on it (Gonen's Bridge). Captain abilities and multiplayer abilities would not put Nem in the top 20 or maybe even top 30, but his early coop prowess and strong 1v1 skill give him enough to be included on this list. Nem was always a pretty boy, so he gets Johnny Cage, who had lame specials, average combos, but the CPU always seemed to play him against you much harder than you thought he was capable of.

9. Rabican

Coop: 80
1v1: 78
Multiplayer: 85
Captain: 95
Intangibles: 84
Total: 422 points

MKT Equivalent: Shang Tsung


Okay, now this list just got a bit more sensible, right? If not for his Coop ability, Rabican would not be in anyone's top 10 list, except for here, where he shines. Rabican is one of the original dedicated Mazzers... and for that he gets very high Coop points. His captain abilities throughout the early-mid 2000s also boost his overall value up there. A solid 1v1er and multiplayer talent, doesn't have the micro ability of anyone, but has the awareness and intangibles to keep him a very dangerous threat for opposition. Rabican was a captaining force since the beginning. He was arguably the biggest reason for NP's dynasty run for MWC. He doesn't practice, doesn't strategize, just shows up and gives directions, and it almost always works out well for this guy. Afterwards, he goes back into a drunken stuper and screams at his grandmother for not bringing him enough Capri Sun during his MWC match. Criticism aside, the dude is an evil genius that was doing it while most of you were in diapers. Like Shang Tsung, Rabican can adapt his play style (when he cares) to any situation, and also be creepy and evil at the same time.

8. Paris

Coop: 70
1v1: 90
Multiplayer: 90
Captain: 82
Intangibles: 94
Tota: 426 points

MKT Equivalent: Liu Kang


This guy wins. He just wins. Whether its supporting a veteran Tcox/Np squad, or creating his own superpower teams (Armageddon, Bulls) the guy surrounds himself with talent, but make no mistake about it, he's a big reason all of those teams have been so successful. His coop prowess isn't much to talk about, but a deadly 1v1er, multiplayer, and possesses the intangibles of all the great ones. He can captain when called upon to, but don't expect him to single handedly lead a conglomerate of superstar power and turn them into a wrecking machine. Aside from that, the finger hardware earns him a spot on this list of all-time greats. Let's not forget to talk about his contributions to Myth, both on and off the battlefield. Paris has assisted in hosting tournaments when others have either declined or been ousted by the community for being a flaming idiot (grim). Given his age and the fact he started in 2003 doesn't go against him, but I could only imagine what more I could say about him if he were around since the beginning. Like Liu Kang, he's got the combos, specials, and prowess of a true fighter who has dedicated himself to becoming a superstar.

7. Chohan

Coop: 50 (Unknown)
1v1: 98
Multiplayer: 96
Captain: 92
Intangibles: 96
Total: 432 points

MKT Equivalent: Scorpion


You're kidding me?! Chohan is only ranked 7th??? What 6 Mythers could possibly be ranked ahead of him? Leave your preconceived notions at the door and continue reading on to find out. As [most] of you can recall, Chohan was an absolute force, especially with BTT by his side. He was ahead of his time at 1v1, dominating multiplayer, and micro managed like an asian kid with 6 arms. But there are a few problems here. Chohan hasn't played a game of Myth in nearly 8 years. 8 years folks. He's only got 1 MWC ring to boot too. Chohan is my one-trick-pony of my top 10 list. He had his run, albeit for about 2 years, where nobody could touch him, and he was too much of a coward to return to Myth after having lost MWC '06. Think about it folks, how could you consider a guy who has only played Myth for half of its existence in the top 5? I certainly can't. His Resume is nothing to balk at, but peons need to stop living in the past. I have no relevant information that could provide to me that Chohan was anything more than an average Coop player, so he gets a 50. Yes, Chohan's legacy lives on, but in the whole scheme of things, others have accomplished more. Chohan was not one of those guys to spend his time perfecting his Coop skill, because there were no egos to be had there. We all know that guy person that when you play Mortal Kombat with, they always choose Scorpion, and they always do that back back low punch move to spear and upper cut you to death the entire time. It's super effective, but ultimately useless when going up against stiffer competition.

6. Zer aka Darkseed

Coop: 50 (Unknown)
1v1: 96
Multiplayer: 98
Captain: 90
Intangibles: 100
Total: 434 Points

MKT Equivalent: Baraka


Zer is my Dark Horse [no pun intended] of my all-time greats list. Coop talent unknown, Zer was never one to spend time perfecting that craft where no ego could be had. But, unlike Chohan, Zer was a bit more of an innovator, and after all, Zer earned the title BME killer after his performance in the MWC '06 finals. That earns him the #6 spot on my all time list. If Zer cared just a bit more, he'd probably break the top 4-5, but off the computer issues always slowed him down a bit. Zer was a bit of a diva... he only cared to show up on game day, but show up he did. He was an emergency captain, but always knew what he was doing. His intangibles are second to none in the game, having invented and crafted many popular Myth moves and strategies you see utilized in the game today. Zer has never had a bad tournament appearance, and has always been a force to reckon with. Like Baraka, Zer is a fierce outlaw who will gouge your eyeballs out if you look at him wrong.

5. Shaister

Coop: 70
1v1: 93
Multiplayer: 95
Captain: 88
Intangibles: 96
Total: 442 Points

MKT Equivalent: Sonya


Shaister cracks the top 5 in my list of all time greats. He actually learned a thing or two about Coop, because he played it since the beginning and perfected his craft. In the whole scheme of things, he is not known for winning Coop tournaments or holds records, but unlike the previous 2 players, was never considered a diva and that bodes well for his overall Myth prowess. His 1v1 ability was always a force to reckon with, he could multitask you to death and can micro with the best of them. Shai is very intelligent when it comes to anything Myth related. Why? Because he learned it. How? By being the best TFL player and perfecting that craft before most of the people reading this ever touched a copy of Myth. He's got the old school mentality and is careful with any unit set you give him. He can be passive, he can be aggressive, and you can never get him out of position. Good luck sneaking up on this guy, his game awareness is second to none, earning him very high intangible scores. Like Sonya, he is quiet, and seemingly innocent, and you are too damn busy trying to find something to pick a fight with him about, meanwhile getting curb stomped and watching the incredible screams as she performs her BRUTALITY ending scene.

4. Erik

Coop: 70
1v1: 98
Multiplayer: 92
Captain: 94
Intangibles: 96
Total: 450 Points

MKT Equivalent: Kabal


The only person on this list who has never won a MWC. Never won a MWC and in the top 5??? You crazy bro. No, listen youthful, gather round and let me tell you a little story about the greatest, least-known Myther ever... Erik. Nobody knows where he came from. Nobody knows where he went. Those who remember him best, remember him being a maniacal messiah; an innovator, a trend setter... quite simply, The Original™. Erik was the original name changer. No, nothing in reference to the team that you all started thinking about. Erik never used his actual name, but everyone knew him by Erik. Why did we all settle on calling him Erik and not one of his other myriad of names? Because his real life name was Erik, and real men use their names as their Myth names. Erik never really ran with the same crowd. He preferred to be the notable, bland, underdog in any situation. Never using ascii and always using ugly avatar/color schemes, Erik would pose as a complete newbie, and use names like "Roy" or "Joe." Opposing players would balk at how lame he looked, until they went up against him on a flank. Before anyone could exit the game to look for the newb that just crushed them, Erik would have already dropped and changed his name to something else unsuspecting and join by the time the game reopened. Erik didn't care about stats, points, reputation, etc. He had one goal in mind, and that was to silence any critic that looked in his direction. Erik was the original "not a single fuck is given" kinda guy. Erik would steamroll anyone, anywhere, any time. He was a skill-first type player, who left his ego at the door when it came to crunch time. Only Erik could do what Erik did. Raz tried to mimic Erik's notorious strategies without avail, therefore cementing Erik as the unheralded evil genius that ever was. He is like Kabal in that, we have no story about him, and we never really knew WHO or WHERE he was from, all we knew is that Erik was, and still is, Erik.

3. Drizzt aka Tirri

Coop: 70
1v1: 96
Multiplayer: 98
Captain: 96
Intangibles: 97
Total: 457 points

MKT Equivalent: Image

Oh Drizzt, or Tirri, whichever you remember him by. Oldschoolers remember Drizzt, the flashy diva who strutted his stuff in more tournaments while everyone was busy gawking at his white metallic robe. Drizzt/Tirri has also been playing Myth for the entire existence of Myth, which gives him great credibility on this list. Unlike the man who retired him [Chohan], Drizzt stuck with the game, and will go down in history, pending some freakishly risque comeback by Chohan, as a better Myther than Chohan. He has not always had great performances, especially during team tournaments, but when you've participated in nearly every tournament in Myth's existence, everyone is bound to remember your bad ones, which are few and far between. Though he's lost a step or two, he still shows up, and plays. Drizzt lost his right to play Myth, and therefore his flash, and has since become known as Tirri, the unflashy, drama queen who prefers to pick on the weaker prey these days in hopes to return to his greatness persona he once held. Drizzt was a diva, but he did know the Coop levels, but his prowess in other things earned him top 3. Like Raiden, Drizzt the Tirrible can unleash lethal combos, freeze his opponents with his electrical grasp, and look like a badass doing it too.

2. Giant Killer General

Coop: 85
1v1: 99
Multiplayer: 100
Captain: 100
Intangibles: 99
Total: 483 points

MKT Equivalent: Motaro


I really shouldn't have to talk about this guy at all. Its all there for everyone to see. But for all intents and purposes, it is the old schoolers who need a schooling on who this guy is, and what he has done. Civil who? NP who? Doesn't matter what team this guy captains, that team is destined for greatness. He finally got the namechanger squad over the hump by winning them their first MWC in countless tries. He captained one of the greatest finals teams ever, The 2011 Chicago Bulls, who ended a would-be dynasty with a landslide victory 6 games to 1, the biggest blowout in MWC finals history. Nobody has spent more time on Myth in the last few years than this guy, but nobody can argue that it hasn't paid dividends. Working on his 4th MWC win, this guy knows what it takes, and has perfected his craft at being a team captain and great 1v1 prowess. GKG earned the title of best 1v1er when the most ancient, legendary Laptop died in December 2012, putting the former champ into future doubts about his playing abilities. The apocalypse really did come in 12/12 guys. No, not really, shit happens. This guy has been a machine the last few years, mowing over competition and earning prowess after prowess. At first he was so well received for coaching lesser beings into becoming better players, and recently has become a bit more of an outlaw, steering away from his followers and guzzling down the Hatoraid. There is but one man on the Earth all time that has anything to say about GKG's rank in this top 10 list....


Coop: 100
1v1: 100
Multiplayer: 100
Captain: 95
Intangibles: 100
Total: 495 points

MKT Equivalent: Shao Khan


As if there was any doubt who would be in first place on this list. The most underrated player of all time, because why would anyone want to rate a player they absolutely hated? Greatness is hated, and this guy has had too much in his career. Countless MWC titles, team tournaments, 1v1 tournaments, Coop victories and records, 3rd party tournaments.... the list goes on. What hasn't this guy done? Captain a winning MWC team... that's about it. His rabble game captain abilities are something that are overlooked. Perhaps the most innovative captain ever, he can make the worst trade possible with absolute shitty supporting players, and still win a team game by 90% - 0%. He even wins games with 1 unit left, while the other team has well over 50%. The end result is always a win, and when it comes to capping random rabble games, nobody does it better; remains to be seen how he'd do with a formidable team during MWC. Let's talk about multiplayer skill... Krok likes being the superstar heavy hitter of the team, and its clear why: he's the best at it. Earning highest damage per game in both MWC '08 and MWC '11 during his dominating runs, he supports a MWC team best being the superstar player and carrying the team on his back. A Myth personality so fucked, you'd think he played from a mental institution, but maybe that is part of his competitive advantage he employs over the opponents he steamrolls over. Give this guy a flank, with less units and 1v2, and you can be sure he's going to win or hold it down. Give this guy trow? Game over. Nobody does it better. His teammates from his MWC runs can attest to the high quality of a teammate he can be, despite his monstrous ego and fire mouth, he puts the team first and therefore the respect of his teammates. You wanna talk about Coop? Holds every Myth 2 Myth Done Quick record. Only one person has more, Hadiez, who holds those plus all the TFL maps. Unlike ALL of the players on this list, KROK mastered coop and then some while everyone else was busy comparing egos. Let me elaborate, KROK played his first game of Mazz VI on Legendary, and won. First try. 100% Mazz Legendary win ratio. You can't make this stuff up. This guy was the first to beat Gladiators Apotheosis and Gladiators Depredation on Legendary, both with and without vets. He also beat Depredation on Legendary without vets in 1 hour and 8 minutes. (Average win time is over 1.5 hours). Coop plugins? No problem, he's beaten them all. First to beat the entire series of Myth Experts for both TFL and Soulblighter. None of the aforementioned star players are even close to that type of Coop/3rd part prowess. OH you said 3rd party? How about WW2? Civil War? This guy mastered them all. Best Urban Recon player ever, Best AVA player ever. Nobody else in this list would be considered top 100 in either of those. Intangibles? Krok has invented more strategies and tricks that are still used today than any other Myther. See a guy shadowing another trow and cornering it? Krok. Trow positioning during fighting? Krok. Zer only made it popular after first seeing me do it. Raid on the Plains? This guy is the best ever. None of the other guys would even touch Raid. Its not "real" Myth. Well, its actually a natural Myth map, and Krok's the best by far at it. Best combination of gianting/melee skills. Inventor of the giant trap, melee rush on CTF, and melee squads on LMOTH. 1v1? This guy was the best 1v1er in the game from summer 2007 when he returned, until December 2012 when his legendary laptop officially died, along with his Myth skill. No other Myther has dominated as 1v1 champ for a longer period of time. Nobody else has been hated more, banned more, posted more, or done more annoying, time consuming shit than this guy. At the center and highest on anything Myth related, this guy takes the cake, and then tells you about it for years later. How could one possibly determine which of these accomplishments is the best ever? You know, dating back to 2001, this guy has never lost a game of 1v1 trow. Never. EVER. This guy is so confident, he takes 0 TROW against the 2nd best 1v1er of all time and his 5 trow, and wins. Yes, he is that freakishly good at 1v1 trow. He won trow 1v7 against the entire ~syn~ team. He repeated this feat back in 2009 when he played 1v7 against ~mental~ on trow, and won. Folks, we are talking thousands upon thousands of games of playing trow solo against whatever the competition. He's. Never. Lost.

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Joined: 04 Dec 2012, 02:02

Re: Greatest Mythers of All Time (Article)

Post by shinco »

You need a living abortion.


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