20th Anniversary Invitational

A single berserk reached us yesterday, after having come all the way over the mountains from the city of Willow, fourteen hundred miles away. He delivered to Alric a single package the size of a man's fist, wrapped in rags, and refuses to talk with anyone about events in the West.
Lord---Scary Owl
Posts: 971
Joined: 12 Dec 2014, 01:53

20th Anniversary Invitational

Post by Lord---Scary Owl »

I was thinking of hosting a 1 weekend invitational of invited 7v7 for Myth's 20th Anniversary. If it goes well we could extend it to 2 weeks, or even possibly 3. I plan to host this in the month of June prior to July MWC to promote MWC and entertain those who fought hard in TWS.

I need to know who all is interested in this event, and who would be willing to cooperate with me by; captaining a 2nd team, making 2 even teams, picking maps, and contacting players.
I will release shortly 2 rosters of 7v7 made for the purpose of equal and good myth after I get a volunteer for a second captain. Then the invites will be sent.

Thanks for your attention. This is 100% serious!

My preferable contact is my Discord account, sign up and join Seekers Discord at the top of Myrgard's home page^^^^, then ask for permissions to speak in a direct message to blurb and ask for me, or DM me.
Discord1SC.jpg (59.66 KiB) Viewed 3574 times

c⁄J⁄Iılk c⁄J⁄Iån

Re: 20th Anniversary Invitational

Post by c⁄J⁄Iılk c⁄J⁄Iån »

I am very interested and would like to appoint you executive TO of the Spring Fling. Go ahead and post in the forum & we'll get the propaganda machine rolling.


Re: 20th Anniversary Invitational

Post by Guest »

I don't think it is wise to do this invite only we hardly have active ppl left, this weekend was pretty "dead" too in terms of reg games.

Let ppl jump in if possible (allow them to sub) so those who actually show up can play regardless if they've got YOUR invitation or not).

Lord---Scary Owl
Posts: 971
Joined: 12 Dec 2014, 01:53

Re: 20th Anniversary Invitational

Post by Lord---Scary Owl »

If you have read my actual forum for this mislabeled as Trevs and Milks Spring fling (WTF garnish)
I have invited 2 teams I would like to see, but then addressed the general public and told them they are welcome to fill in empty spots
people are not banned from participating, but I don't want players like malsleizure and NE Patriots in the games
I'm trying to at least simulate minimum decent myth

Posts: 3016
Joined: 15 Nov 2012, 15:33

Re: 20th Anniversary Invitational

Post by par73 »

BOC was a boss in that one 'all-star' styled invitational


Re: 20th Anniversary Invitational

Post by doggystyle »

Top notch autism tournament. Never try to organise anything again.

Last bumped by Anonymous on 17 Jun 2018, 15:57.

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