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Zak appreciation thread

Posted: 20 Mar 2016, 08:00
by Zak
Zak won't be around forever. I want the community to submit their opinions on Zaknafein. I will get the ball rolling.

par73 wrote:I'd like to say my thanks with gratitude towards your efforts to provide content for a community this bitter. Whether it was plugins, dummy accounts or General Zak mischief, I've always been a critical supporter because I admired your unique approach and perseverance to stick around.
Grim wrote:Over the years I've had many no-homo relationships with several wonderful players. Here's how I would rank my friends. These are just examples as I can't list everyone.

#5 People who I never really got along with: Drunken irishman, Gkg, Ol'dirtae, Falcon and Japanese people (mostly because of language barrier - same applies to Drunken irishman + it took them ages to start the game after it ended).

#4 People I liked having in my games but weren't really my close friends: Xel, Adrenaline, Father Xmas, Slate, Mark and Monty.

#3 Good friends: Dantski, Flatline, Rabican, Blade and Enculator.

#2 Butt buddies: East wind, Karma, Tirri, Bone, Raziel

#1 One true friend: Zaknafein (because despite all our hardships, we are still really good friends. That should tell you something).

Re: Zak appreciation thread

Posted: 20 Mar 2016, 08:12
by Zak
Seeker wrote:He's the first person to ever get Deer in all its iterations to improve their play. That's amazing.

Homer wrote:Like all humans. Zak can either be the worst, or the best, depending on which side of himself he chooses to present.

The flippant Zak, that would cruise into a series of fun games and then at their peak of momentum suicide and ruin everything is clearly the villain.

The Troll Zak, The dummy Zak, the pink Zak, the internet stalker zak. The villains are piling up here, and this guy seems like more of an asshole now that I see it all typed out.

The hero Zak....the guy who never gave up on myth, the guy who always shows up for matches, the guy who missed his mom's 3rd wedding for a myth match.

The guy who is willing to sacrifice winning to pick joke teams in draft tourneys and then wins above all odds.

The guy who doesn't make excuses when he loses, because he doesn't care. The guy who relentlessly trolls people we all want to see trolled, but we're too lazy to do it anymore after so many years, ZAK IS THERE ALWAYS. He's there M-Sunday trolling these people - reminding them that whatever they did in Myth 2 amounts to nothing in real life.

He's the guy that got banned by OM and didn't care, and just came back like herpes. WHERE IS OM now? Who gives a shit? Where is Zak? STILL HERE.
Zak wrote: Some great quotes:

Z, my primary pique with you is that you're an insolent asshole who feels some kind of twisted sense of entitlement in the stealing of other people's work (while giving them no credit), slapping-together mostly mediocre plug-ins.
who knows - for all I know "olong2" is one of Zak's dummy accounts and he's doing this just for chuckles or to give himself some PR.
Zak was logged in on 4 accounts simultaneously tonight... surely that, in itself, is a breach of some kind of rule? (logins: wylldawgg, hishnik, werewolf, leespringield)... and I think once more one a guest acct even... anyone that will go to such lengths to disrupt the peace is not worth having around. So yes, I full-heartedly support a banning of this idiot. He constantly suicides, drops, and engages in general idiocy... he is of no use to this community, and mariusnet would be far better off without him. I'm sure if we handed out a petition, nearly every active player would sign it.
Zak works really hard at doing what he does. I've seen him having the same "who, me?!" conversations many times over the past year. I try not to rise to the bait but he barely requires a reaction (a half-hearted 'ban zak!') to hateplay for the next 3 games in a row.
zak keeps terrorizing everyone and raping and retiring people at will. thats why im afraid to come online. zak is the future of myth
This is precisely the type of response that drives him to do these things. he's incorrigible; he plays myth solely to cause as much disruption as he can. the best solution is to quietly ignore him, wank him from games, and do your best to disregard his crap (i know, its not easy). if he gets banned by ppe, it will only further encourage him to come back with a new ip and screw around.
I do not think Zak should be banned. If anything, Zak is a product of this community. He is the product of the enormous abuse heaped upon him whenever he logs online. Zak merely behaves the way he does to spite you. He's bought into your preconceptions of him, and has decided, "Ok if this community has decided that I am a menace, very well, I will be a menace."
if you don't want to play games with Zaknafein (wylldawg) you might want to watch out for other players you don't recognize - Zak has a history of pretending to be other people. (tonight for example on the server he was pretending to be both 'The Tower' and killerking)
ZAK WAS AND IS ANNOYING, AND SHOULD GET SOME SORT OF A PUNISHMENT. His bleach blonde hair makes me want to punch him in the face, but he was one of myths most active players, which makes his ban even more consequential. Only a very active player can understand the full ramifications of such a ban. Sitting in the myth lobby on an early morning one active player like Zak can make the difference of crappy three player BC game to a set of fun 2 team or ffa games with even teams.
Even if Zak didn't deserve the lifetime ban for breaking the rules, he did for being stupid enough to expect to get away with it.
Back in the day (or three years ago) I probably would have made a 20 page post on this issue on how much I hate zak and how he deserves to be banned and also how retarded the admins are that they would destroy one active player just to satiate themselves in their own inactivity...but mostly how zak deserved to be permab&.
For what it is worth, I don't think Zak believes everything he is saying. Maybe its just me, but Zak seems to like to stir things up. Not in the traditionaly troll way. More like he does something as a sort-of-joke and when he gets a reaction he doesn't quite like... instead of ignoring it or disolving it somehow he tends to feed it more.
Zak you're a poor liar. Grow up and shut up. It's one thing for a Myther to try and be the class clown - if you get banned, the give and take evens out and no one's got any complaints to level against you. But to get Matty banned is distinctly uncool. Luckily, I'm pretty certain Matty/Nick have been or will be unbanned and this situation resolved.
Your exploits are practically a legend in the community
Forget Flatline, and Red phoenix Zak is where your money should be at

Re: Zak appreciation thread

Posted: 21 Mar 2016, 07:23
by grim
Over the years I've had many no-homo relationships with several wonderful players. Here's how I would rank my friends. These are just examples as I can't list everyone.

#5 People who I never really got along with: Drunken irishman, Gkg, Ol'dirtae, Falcon and Japanese people (mostly because of language barrier - same applies to Drunken irishman + it took them ages to start the game after it ended).

#4 People I liked having in my games but weren't really my close friends: Xel, Adrenaline, Father Xmas, Slate, Mark and Monty.

#3 Good friends: Dantski, Flatline, Rabican, Blade and Enculator.

#2 Butt buddies: East wind, Karma, Tirri, Bone, Raziel

#1 One true friend: Zaknafein (because despite all our hardships, we are still really good friends. That should tell you something).
When did I say this?

Re: Zak appreciation thread

Posted: 21 Mar 2016, 12:28
by DBSeeker
That post was definitely written by grim.

Re: Zak appreciation thread

Posted: 21 Mar 2016, 15:21
by grim
I'm not denying that, I just wanna know when I said that :O

Re: Zak appreciation thread

Posted: 21 Mar 2016, 16:10
by sharkdrivingabus
I can't believe I'm not on grim's best buddy list :(

On other news, Zak appreciation thread addition:

Zak's online myth personality is a force of nature that influenced the culture of every metaserver, forum, and tournament graced by his presence.

Re: Zak appreciation thread

Posted: 21 Mar 2016, 16:41
by Cutard
IBS is not a death sentence zak, you can overcome this.

Re: Zak appreciation thread

Posted: 21 Mar 2016, 16:51
by Zak

Re: Zak appreciation thread

Posted: 21 Mar 2016, 16:54
by Zak
Im growing up cu. when i weigh important life decisions against playing myth, i am choosing myrh less and less. Its just a matter of time until im just another urban legend like elfoid

Re: Zak appreciation thread

Posted: 21 Mar 2016, 18:26
by par73
elfoid said he would come back if cheeze updated his graphic lol

Re: Zak appreciation thread

Posted: 21 Mar 2016, 19:28
by DBSeeker
Zak is my one true bestie. Sorry Cu.

Re: Zak appreciation thread

Posted: 21 Mar 2016, 20:29
by Zak
Thank you guys for all your support it means a lot knowing all that hard work over the years was appreciated by so many

Re: Zak appreciation thread

Posted: 21 Mar 2016, 21:12
by Cutard
I hope it's Lou Gehrig's.

Re: Zak appreciation thread

Posted: 21 Mar 2016, 21:52
by Pogue
Cutard wrote:I hope it's Lou Gehrig's.

Re: Zak appreciation thread

Posted: 22 Mar 2016, 00:14
by Cutard
Perfect visualization of Zak's stupid frozen face in a few months, thanks pogue.

Re: Zak appreciation thread

Posted: 22 Mar 2016, 03:45
by Zak
usually these petty insults would get to me but my level of myth care is at an all time low

the end is nigh

Re: Zak appreciation thread

Posted: 22 Mar 2016, 05:27
by Cutard
Just a warboy at the end of his half-life.

One time THOR described to me in detail his hard on after seeing your bloody nose pic for the first time. Your lasting legacy is revealing that THOR is a bull queer, thanks for that.

Re: Zak appreciation thread

Posted: 22 Mar 2016, 15:50
by Zak
1v1 real life retirement match

Re: Zak appreciation thread

Posted: 22 Mar 2016, 22:09
by Lord---Scary Owl
I heard grim was a tool

Re: Zak appreciation thread

Posted: 23 Mar 2016, 01:15
by CheezeFist
par73 wrote:elfoid said he would come back if cheeze updated his graphic lol
What? I can make this happen if we can verify it is really 'froid.

Re: Zak appreciation thread

Posted: 23 Mar 2016, 01:21
by switch
Don't have him on Facebook cheese?

Re: Zak appreciation thread

Posted: 23 Mar 2016, 01:26
by Lord---Scary Owl
All the hate Zak received, what did he even do to receive it?

Re: Zak appreciation thread

Posted: 23 Mar 2016, 01:39
by DBSeeker
Don't act dumb Mahlon.

Re: Zak appreciation thread

Posted: 23 Mar 2016, 01:41
by Pogue
To be fair half the dummying Zak got blamed for was actually me. Just thought I'd clear that up.

Re: Zak appreciation thread

Posted: 23 Mar 2016, 01:51
by Lord---Scary Owl
For whatever god you believe in's sake DBSeeker.

I am LSO, not mahlon.

I don't even know who Mahlon is?

Re: Zak appreciation thread

Posted: 23 Mar 2016, 03:05
by DBSeeker
Zak figured out. He's a prime source.

Re: Zak appreciation thread

Posted: 23 Mar 2016, 16:20
by Zak
Pogue wrote:To be fair half the dummying Zak got blamed for was actually me. Just thought I'd clear that up.
I stopped dummying a long time ago. People have veen impersonating me (poorly) for years. I am innocent of most crimes ive been accused of past 2009.

The real culprits are people like pogue, donnie, lso, bunny, and other queermos

Re: Zak appreciation thread

Posted: 23 Mar 2016, 16:33
by par73
i will always remember this guy for stone soup

you seem to state zak won't be around forever but the zak's who have impersonated zak would be the first to correct zak that zak is forever

Re: Zak appreciation thread

Posted: 23 Mar 2016, 16:45
by Cutard
yes, grim is a tool

Re: Zak appreciation thread

Posted: 23 Mar 2016, 19:14
by Zak
par73 wrote:i will always remember this guy for stone soup

you seem to state zak won't be around forever but the zak's who have impersonated zak would be the first to correct zak that zak is forever
Kiek got trolled pretty hard by stone soup, he legitimately thought i aas mange civil and had other original members of civil in my team. He was furious with me when grim outed me as an imposter.

The real mange (mango) was around during this era too, playing in random games oblivious to my trolling. Then sidthegr8 came out of retirement and was driven off of myth by furious/paranoid mythers suspecting him of being me

Re: Zak appreciation thread

Posted: 24 Mar 2016, 00:19
by Dantski
I made an account on some tournament forum called notzaknafein, pretty sure zak was the one that figured out the password was also notzaknafein

Re: Zak appreciation thread

Posted: 24 Mar 2016, 02:45
by DBSeeker
Love Zak.

Re: Zak appreciation thread

Posted: 24 Mar 2016, 02:58
by Zak
2008 was really my prime. I created a LOLMWC style dummying ring involving several teams. For example on saints row I had bk, dantski, and liger all swapping accounts in their games. There was a big controversy in another match when i gave an account on some 2 trow team against deer or zxcv, and the result got overturned because of it.

I think I finally got banned from MWC that year for impersonating a team on monkey island, at the same time as paris. He got a 1 week suspension but I got a permanent ban. Its a miracle grim and I are such close friends after that unfair treatment he gave me.

Re: Zak appreciation thread

Posted: 24 Mar 2016, 03:17
by Lord---Scary Owl
Cutard wrote:yes, grim is a tool
thank you for clearing this up Cu

My sources are 100% correct

Re: Zak appreciation thread

Posted: 24 Mar 2016, 10:05
by par73
Zak wrote:2008 was really my prime. I created a LOLMWC style dummying ring involving several teams. For example on saints row I had bk, dantski, and liger all swapping accounts in their games. There was a big controversy in another match when i gave an account on some 2 trow team against deer or zxcv, and the result got overturned because of it.

I think I finally got banned from MWC that year for impersonating a team on monkey island, at the same time as paris. He got a 1 week suspension but I got a permanent ban. Its a miracle grim and I are such close friends after that unfair treatment he gave me.
That must have been 2009; I recall being suspended or banned in 06, 09 and 10.

Re: Zak appreciation thread

Posted: 24 Mar 2016, 10:08
by par73
CheezeFist wrote:
par73 wrote:elfoid said he would come back if cheeze updated his graphic lol
What? I can make this happen if we can verify it is really 'froid.
I guarantee he will post here, it was definitely he who stated this.

Re: Zak appreciation thread

Posted: 24 Mar 2016, 18:52
by Zak
par73 wrote:
Zak wrote:2008 was really my prime. I created a LOLMWC style dummying ring involving several teams. For example on saints row I had bk, dantski, and liger all swapping accounts in their games. There was a big controversy in another match when i gave an account on some 2 trow team against deer or zxcv, and the result got overturned because of it.

I think I finally got banned from MWC that year for impersonating a team on monkey island, at the same time as paris. He got a 1 week suspension but I got a permanent ban. Its a miracle grim and I are such close friends after that unfair treatment he gave me.
That must have been 2009; I recall being suspended or banned in 06, 09 and 10.
It was 2008 because i was on monsters of cock and i tried to play for them against zxcv but they wouldnt let me because i was banned from mwc.

Re: Zak appreciation thread

Posted: 27 Mar 2016, 09:22
by tirri
zak is great
mhysa zak, mhysa zak, mhysa zak

Re: Zak appreciation thread

Posted: 27 Mar 2016, 12:05
by par73
Hän Zak ihailija aikaa kuulla it's avoin. Hän etsiä ja perustaa Zak haiven. Hän käytetty 10 kauan ikä ja muodostaa klooni koneistaa! Ja kas noin he's lo-puunsuoritettu -nsa ihmeellinen haaveilla jotta ehtiä hankkia asunto -lta Zaks. It's Hankkia asunto -lta Zaks. It's Hankkia asunto -lta Zaks.

they probably didn't need your help against zxcv ! i realize you were banned but i don't remember you being on MoC, you were probably trying to dummy again instead ! :p

Re: Zak appreciation thread

Posted: 27 Mar 2016, 15:58
by Zak
House of cosbys, what a show

Anyways I played for some noob team and dummied a lot in the QR because grim removed Stone Soup from the tournament at the last minute. I'm also responsible for that being the first year with no QR forfeits! I am very proud of that, and it saddens me people don't acknowledge the good I've accomplished.

Then Genx added me to MoC and I played for them up until Armageddon dropped us to the bottom bracket. THOR maxed ghols on shuffle in one of our matches.

Re: Zak appreciation thread

Posted: 28 Mar 2016, 12:23
by DBSeeker
Zak is an excellent human being. 5 balls for sure.

Re: Zak appreciation thread

Posted: 28 Mar 2016, 18:15
by Zak
In 2008 i had the most one ball TAs and the most 5 ball TAs

Re: Zak appreciation thread

Posted: 28 Mar 2016, 19:27
by par73
sometimes when i think of zak's myth legacy i think of that book/movie one flew over the cuckoos nest and imagine a jack Nicholson rebellious type character while THOR takes the role of the native american silent giant who escapes the ward via smashing a toilet through a window after suffocating the zak character post-lobotomy

Re: Zak appreciation thread

Posted: 28 Mar 2016, 23:06
by Pogue
Thor isn't Chief, he talks too much. You think Chief is retarded because he doesn't say anything 99% of the time and then he unleashes a golden sentence of complete clarity. More viable choices for this role would be HMP or Verminix.

Re: Zak appreciation thread

Posted: 29 Mar 2016, 01:47
by Zak
At least i help asmo lose his virginity before i die

Re: Zak appreciation thread

Posted: 29 Mar 2016, 17:02
by shadow
Zak wrote:At least i help asmo lose his virginity before i die
how did you manage that ?

Re: Zak appreciation thread

Posted: 29 Mar 2016, 22:54
by Lord---Scary Owl
shadow wrote:
Zak wrote:At least i help asmo lose his virginity before i die
how did you manage that ?
he rammed him until he begged for mercy and his anus was wider than a frisby

Re: Zak appreciation thread

Posted: 30 Mar 2016, 04:25
by switch
The 2008 TWS saints row case was "The Tower" right? So that was pogue, Dantski, and bk? No wonder he raped.

Re: Zak appreciation thread

Posted: 30 Mar 2016, 05:11
by Zak
There were like 5-6 dummies on that team. The only account I remember is mercury. The tower might have been one of mine but I feel like it was liger.

Re: Zak appreciation thread

Posted: 30 Mar 2016, 08:07
by Pogue
switch wrote:The 2008 TWS saints row case was "The Tower" right? So that was pogue, Dantski, and bk? No wonder he raped.
I didn't even play myth in 2008, so your "burn" was a waste of time.