The judgementall illness - a recorded game

A single berserk reached us yesterday, after having come all the way over the mountains from the city of Willow, fourteen hundred miles away. He delivered to Alric a single package the size of a man's fist, wrapped in rags, and refuses to talk with anyone about events in the West.
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Joined: 24 Aug 2013, 18:54

The judgementall illness - a recorded game

Post by argos »

judgemental illness was being belligerent and challenged me to a 1v1 after calling me a c*nt about 100 times in all caps. i was delighted at the prospect and accepted..and then he went "afk" apparently

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Joined: 14 Nov 2012, 19:56

Re: The judgementall illness - a recorded game

Post by switch »

He screwed up the trade and then suicided his trow and got trapped but you also got trapped but because of poor unit control he let your other trow escape then you nuked his clumped brigs with 4 mortar dwarfs gg

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