things that annoy you

A single berserk reached us yesterday, after having come all the way over the mountains from the city of Willow, fourteen hundred miles away. He delivered to Alric a single package the size of a man's fist, wrapped in rags, and refuses to talk with anyone about events in the West.
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things that annoy you

Post by sasper »

weather reporters being referred to as meteorologists. meteorologists have actual scientific qualifications that require study and intelligence. weather reporters are nothing more than clowns reading off a teleprompter, only requirement is basic literacy to read the temperatures from the screen.

assclowns who press the road crossing button 10 times as if the first 9 didnt count.

women who wear those ridiculously large sunglasses so you cant recognise them. how the fuck that god awful trend ever became fashionable boggles the mind. should be an on the spot $250 fine.

women who wear leggings.

instagram. anyone using 2015 technology to make your awful photos look as if they were taken by a cheap shitty 1970s polaroid camera deserves to be shot in the face, or at the very least imprisoned for 5 years.

social media in general. twitter is worst culprit designed for 16 year old girls with sub-60 IQs. snapchat running a close 2nd.

food porn (those dickheads who take photos of their food before eating it and post it to their social media accounts). anyone caught doing this should have their food thrown on them and their phone smashed.

people who take selfies. anyone caught taking a selfie should have their phone smashed and be fined $500 for a vain dick.

feminists. feminism in 2015 should be a criminal offence punishable by 10 years imprisonment.


apple fanboys. punching them in the face should be legal for openly, unashamedly expressing their faggotry. sometimes, however, there is some beautiful poetic justice

people who think drug use/sale/production should be illegal. its your own body and if you want to roll the dice thats your own business, no one elses.

happy couples.

disabled people's car spaces. the vast majority of disabilities do not render the person incapable of walking the extra few metres to the shop entrance. priority car spaces should go to those who genuinely need them, e.g women ... ng-6169510

live theatre. god that shit bores you till you want to scratch your eyeballs out.

people who pretend to enjoy the TASTE of ANY form of alcohol. be it beer, wine, spirits, there are plenty of good reasons to drink booze. TASTE is NOT one of them.

emotional women

people who fall for obvious scams

attractive women who refuse to let you have sex with them without risking a rape charge


people who dont like alcoholics. all the most interesting and fun people i know are hopeless drunks or functional alcoholics. only a small minority give the rest a bad name through violence etc. tea-totalling wankers are just boring ass sods.

women being allowed to vote. most economic, social, criminal problems would be solved by revoking women's enfranchisement.

mickey mouse university courses, e.g women's studies, liberal arts courses, psychological courses

when youre getting your prostate examined by a hot female doctor and you can help but get a hard on when she sticks her finger up your arse and you have to apologise

chuggers (charity muggers - those fags begging for money for some bullshit charity)

all forms of autoplay on websites. all software developers involved with the development of autoplay ought to be executed via being hung, drawn and quartered.

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Re: things that annoy you

Post by DBSeeker »




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Re: things that annoy you

Post by Pogue »

Asian drivers
New York Yankees
Pittsburgh Steelers
Black women
Chicago Blackhawks
GamerGate faggotry.
Shitty fucking popular music.
Bill Maher
Social media in general (just proves the average person is fucking idiot who should be sterilized).
Women's sports (no bitches, you're not as good as men).
Indians (the Dances With Wolves kind)

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Re: things that annoy you

Post by argos »

you really dont like the taste of a good beer, or aged scotch or a fine wine? You sure about that? Look I love getting rushed from caffeine but I love the taste of coffee too. The two should come in the same package as often as possible

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Re: things that annoy you

Post by BIG KROK V8 SS »

Pogue wrote:Frenchmen
Asian drivers
New York Yankees
Pittsburgh Steelers
Black women
Chicago Blackhawks
GamerGate faggotry.
Shitty fucking popular music.
Bill Maher
Social media in general (just proves the average person is fucking idiot who should be sterilized).
Women's sports (no bitches, you're not as good as men).
Indians (the Dances With Wolves kind)
anything boston

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Re: things that annoy you

Post by sasper »

argos wrote:you really dont like the taste of a good beer, or aged scotch or a fine wine? You sure about that? Look I love getting rushed from caffeine but I love the taste of coffee too. The two should come in the same package as often as possible
i am referring specifically to the taste of alcohol, not the entire experience. as someone who spent 10 years as a hardened alcoholic, going through 6 average lifetimes worth of ethanol in all its forms (something i wouldnt recommend), i think im in a good position to comment.

the proof is in the pudding - its fundamentally impossible to enjoy the taste because it doesnt exist. ethanol has no flavour. saying you enjoy the taste is like saying you enjoy the taste of water. sure, you can enjoy the refreshment, rehydration, etc, but not the taste, because it doesnt exist. i can easily believe someone telling me they enjoy the taste of, say, beef or cheese, but if people enjoyed the taste of types of alcohol, they wouldnt bother fermenting their booze in the first place, or they would distill the ethanol out before drinking. the fact that they dont is proof they are drinking for other reasons. primarily (in order of importance):

1) the warm fuzzy feeling of being drunk
2) the social lubricant effect for shy people
3) the social bonding experience
4) as a positional good for expensive booze (dom, moet, johnie walker blue, etc)
5) physical dependency for full blown alcoholics

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Re: things that annoy you

Post by Troop »

People who take myth too seriously and act like douchebags. They've made all my old friends quit playing.

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Re: things that annoy you

Post by BIG KROK V8 SS »

Troop wrote:People who take myth too seriously and act like douchebags. They've made all my old friends quit playing.
I don't take myth seriously, and I act like an asshole. There is a difference. Your old friends were probably pussies. Real men can joke around.

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Re: things that annoy you

Post by dac »

Troop wrote:People who take myth too seriously and act like douchebags. They've made all my old friends quit playing.



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Re: things that annoy you

Post by Pogue »

LOL I've missed you Dac.

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