Agros is the Biggest Asshole & Worst Player on

A single berserk reached us yesterday, after having come all the way over the mountains from the city of Willow, fourteen hundred miles away. He delivered to Alric a single package the size of a man's fist, wrapped in rags, and refuses to talk with anyone about events in the West.

Psalm 118:22
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Re: Agros is the Biggest Asshole & Worst Player on

Post by Psalm 118:22 »

I forgot to add...I know for a fact she is a female too. So this explains some things.

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Re: Agros is the Biggest Asshole & Worst Player on

Post by sasper »

argos isn't a female. he is simply a post-op Male-Female gender reassignment clown.

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Re: Agros is the Biggest Asshole & Worst Player on

Post by par73 »

i think you are mistaking argos for yourself especially with the way you harass him along with everyone else

i feel bad for you because your parents failed to raise you

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Re: Agros is the Biggest Asshole & Worst Player on

Post by argos »

damn sasper, who told you? :P

edit: I guess I should say something here: how you get treated online is often a reflection of your own good and bad qualities. If you act like an idiot, people will not want to have you in their games.

Psalm is a rare type of player. The fact that he is utterly horrible at the game isn't that big of a deal, in fact there are plenty of not-so-hot players that are improving by listening and adapting their play, however gradual. No, the rarity comes from his constantly getting butthurt over the slightest loss, never listening to teammates, dropping, booting players who beat him, and generally whining like a little child. How else do you expect to be treated when you act like that?

The sad thing is, I'm pretty sure it isn't an elaborate dummy acct. This is just how he is. I can't really think of anything else to say.

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Re: Agros is the Biggest Asshole & Worst Player on

Post by Pogue »

LOL I forgot to add Donnie to the worst mythers of all time. But, I assumed everyone knew this fucking mongoloid was part of the list.

Psalm 118:22
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Re: Agros is the Biggest Asshole & Worst Player on

Post by Psalm 118:22 »

I like how pogue, a fellow ruiner/hater/bully of myth..sticks up for his girlfriend agros. I know 99% see right through this childish, textbook mental illness that these myth cyber bullies share. And agros is female. Admit it. We all know that a male would never play such the delusional hypocritical victim. We all love how you fight in chat 20 minutes to prove you are the better myth player LOL. Here is something I am I came across in my research working on my own paper about herd mentality and cyber-bullying.The reasons and factors that influence students to engage in bullying online are multiple and complex.
Some studies have found that youth who bully face-to-face are also likely to engage in online bullying (e.g., Wang, Ianotti, & Luk, 2012). Thus, if a youth is bullying someone in person they might also be bullying others online. However, a significant proportion of individuals who bully online do not bully in face-to-face situations (Twyman, Saylor, Taylor, & Comeaux, 2010).
Other research has found that young people who engage in cyberbullying have less empathy (defined as sharing another person’s emotional state) than students not involved in cyberbullying (Steffgen, Konig, Pfetsch, & Melzer, 2010). In a large study, 40 percent of students who engaged in online bullying reported not feeling anything after bullying online, while only 16 percent of the cyberbullies reported feeling guilty. Moreover, some students reported online bullying made them feel “funny, popular, and powerful” (Mishna et al., 2010).
Adolescent cyberbullies have been found to engage in other problematic behaviors as well. For example, they have been found to be more likely to engage in substance abuse and have higher levels of participation in school violence (Sourander et al., 2010; Wang, Iannotti, and Luk, 2012).
Peers, teachers, and parents also can influence the likelihood that a youth will engage in bullying online. Young people who believe other students are bullying online are more likely to engage in the behavior themselves. In addition, adolescents who believe the adults in their lives will punish them for bullying online are less likely to engage in the behavior (Hinduja & Patchin, 2013).
Parents play an especially important role. Students who bully online are more likely to report poor parent-child relationships and a lack of parental monitoring of online behavior (Ybarra & Mitchell; 2004).

Psalm 118:22
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Re: Agros is the Biggest Asshole & Worst Player on

Post by Psalm 118:22 »

It should be noted that, when asked about her family, Christmas, holidays, love life...agros NEVER responds....we hear crickets....because we all know she comes from bad genes that had NO right having her and, of course, mistakenly did. Then they proceeded to neglect her, raise her to be a bitter, hostile, angry, misguided, inter-generationally behaviorally conditioned, judgmentally ill, ugly, ignorant, arrogant, unattractive bully bitch...just like her parents were to her when she was little agros. Almost kinda sad.

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Re: Agros is the Biggest Asshole & Worst Player on

Post by Troop »

This is funny because agros, or argos, or whatever her name is?? She was always pretty rude to my son and I who play on here. We left and didnt play several years because of players like her who took the fun out by taking it too seriously. I hope she isn't still here because we plan on playing more this winter again. :?

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Re: Agros is the Biggest Asshole & Worst Player on

Post by rawr »

Troop is a JI troll account lol

Man this post is funny

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Re: Agros is the Biggest Asshole & Worst Player on

Post by Pogue »

Replying to your own posts on a dummy account is myth sociopathic behaviour of the highest order. I rest my case.

Psalm 118:22
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Re: Agros is the Biggest Asshole & Worst Player on

Post by Psalm 118:22 »

So I found out from someone who claims to be her neighbor that argos is a single mother of 2 half black children who live in section 8 housing on food stamps and welfare. I'm not going to say who I heard this from, but we all know it's probably true.

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Re: Agros is the Biggest Asshole & Worst Player on

Post by argos »

damn man, this is pretty sad

Lord---Scary Owl
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Re: Agros is the Biggest Asshole & Worst Player on

Post by Lord---Scary Owl »

Psalm is an idiot and a douchebag. No one likes you JI and no one ever will so just please leave and shutup. Argos is 100x cooler than you and I'm pretty sure if one of you was a female it would be you Psalm/JI/Troop.

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Re: Agros is the Biggest Asshole & Worst Player on

Post by Ether »

Psalm 118:22 wrote:I like how pogue, a fellow ruiner/hater/bully of myth..sticks up for his girlfriend agros. I know 99% see right through this childish, textbook mental illness that these myth cyber bullies share. And agros is female. Admit it. We all know that a male would never play such the delusional hypocritical victim. We all love how you fight in chat 20 minutes to prove you are the better myth player LOL. Here is something I am I came across in my research working on my own paper about herd mentality and cyber-bullying.The reasons and factors that influence students to engage in bullying online are multiple and complex.

Some studies have found that youth who bully face-to-face are also likely to engage in online bullying (e.g., Wang, Ianotti, & Luk, 2012). Thus, if a youth is bullying someone in person they might also be bullying others online. However, a significant proportion of individuals who bully online do not bully in face-to-face situations (Twyman, Saylor, Taylor, & Comeaux, 2010).

Other research has found that young people who engage in cyberbullying have less empathy (defined as sharing another person’s emotional state) than students not involved in cyberbullying (Steffgen, Konig, Pfetsch, & Melzer, 2010). In a large study, 40 percent of students who engaged in online bullying reported not feeling anything after bullying online, while only 16 percent of the cyberbullies reported feeling guilty. Moreover, some students reported online bullying made them feel “funny, popular, and powerful” (Mishna et al., 2010).

Adolescent cyberbullies have been found to engage in other problematic behaviors as well. For example, they have been found to be more likely to engage in substance abuse and have higher levels of participation in school violence (Sourander et al., 2010; Wang, Iannotti, and Luk, 2012).

Peers, teachers, and parents also can influence the likelihood that a youth will engage in bullying online. Young people who believe other students are bullying online are more likely to engage in the behavior themselves. In addition, adolescents who believe the adults in their lives will punish them for bullying online are less likely to engage in the behavior (Hinduja & Patchin, 2013).

Parents play an especially important role. Students who bully online are more likely to report poor parent-child relationships and a lack of parental monitoring of online behavior (Ybarra & Mitchell; 2004).
Are you paraphrasing all this? Or is this all copied directly? Could be plagiarism here folks.

Lord---Scary Owl
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Re: Agros is the Biggest Asshole & Worst Player on

Post by Lord---Scary Owl »

Ether is right, Psalm needs to still just shutup and leave.

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Re: Agros is the Biggest Asshole & Worst Player on

Post by argos »

I mean, he made a dummy acct to respond to his own post....that is one of the more pathetic things ive ever seen on a forum

Lord---Scary Owl
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Re: Agros is the Biggest Asshole & Worst Player on

Post by Lord---Scary Owl »

argos wrote:I mean, he made a dummy acct to respond to his own post....that is one of the more pathetic things ive ever seen on a forum
not "more pathetic" , that's the most pathetic

if you have seen more pathetic please share it

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Re: Agros is the Biggest Asshole & Worst Player on

Post by par73 »

Psychological projection is a form of defense mechanism in which someone attributes thoughts, feelings, and ideas which are perceived as undesirable to someone else. For example, someone who harbors racist ideas while believing that racism is socially undesirable might come to believe that a friend is racist, projecting his or her racism onto the other person. Projection may manifest in all kinds of ways, and while it may be a defense mechanism, it can also be very destructive.

The concept of projection was developed by Dr. Sigmund Freud, a noted figure in the field of psychology. Dr. Freud believed that people used psychological projection to reduce their own stress or feelings of guilt, thus protecting themselves psychologically. This psychological phenomenon is sometimes referred to as “Freudian projection” in reference to Dr. Freud's work in the field.

In a general sense, psychological projection can mean that people assume that other people share their thoughts or beliefs, good or bad. For example, someone who likes dogs might assume that all people like dogs, or an unfaithful spouse might conclude that everyone is unfaithful, since this would reflect his or her own experiences. As a defense mechanism, this allows people to feel more comfortable about themselves because they think they see traits in common with others.

People can also fall victim to the projection bias, in which they assume that their current mental state will remain consistent in the future. The projection bias has been studied by a number of researchers to see how psychological projection influences things like decision making and purchasing habits. For example, someone in the heat of summer often has trouble shopping for winter clothing, because he or she has a hard time imagining the need for heavy coats in the midst of bikini season.

Being aware of psychological projection in interpersonal relationships can be very important. Before attributing thoughts or ideas to someone else, you may want to reflect on whether those beliefs can also be seen in yourself. If they can, there's a chance that you might be projecting, and you may want to seek out a more reliable source on what someone else is thinking.

Projection can take a range of forms. For instance, if you find that you dislike someone, you may decide that he or she doesn't like you, responding to social norms which dictate that people should all like each other and get along. By deciding that this person doesn't like you, you can justify your decision not to like him or her, thereby setting yourself up for a self-fulfilling prophecy, because most people end up disliking the people who dislike them, even if they didn't start out that way. Projection may also cause you to assume that other people are as competent as you are at a specific task, or to think that other people share your political and social beliefs.

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Re: Agros is the Biggest Asshole & Worst Player on

Post by dac »

congratulations on myth infamy argos, you officially have someone who has such a hard-on for you that he made multiple threads bashing you. it's kind of like a 14 year old boy being mean to a girl he likes cuz he doesnt know how to process the feelings or how to act on them. you should feel touched, unless you're actually touched, i mean in that case, straight to the cops buddy, but otherwise, good job and congrats again!

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