
A single berserk reached us yesterday, after having come all the way over the mountains from the city of Willow, fourteen hundred miles away. He delivered to Alric a single package the size of a man's fist, wrapped in rags, and refuses to talk with anyone about events in the West.

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Re: Yikes

Post by switch »

While you go dust under the bed, for the Spring Scary Season, the smart money around here has circled April 23rd, or thereabout, for the full-on military moves to begin in eastern Europe.

I don't know where they came up with this date. Also, do you guys really think Obama is going to do anything about the Crimea? His "lead from behind" policy means at best they'll back European sanctions and the EU can't really impose effective sanctions since they're economically dependent on Russia.
The Dow hit 11,723 in early Y2k.

If you go to the Minneapolis Fed and put 11,723 into their “inflation calculator” and set 2014 as your target date, the inflation adjusted Dow level comes out to 16,053.68.

Since the Dow closed Friday at 16,065.67, I’d suggest that despite hype and easy money the US has made zero economic progress on a purchasing power basis in the past 14-years.
This is ridiculous and clearly is wrong because it assumes the DOW average is the entire american economy, and furthermore that the DOW calculation is unchanging over time.

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Re: Yikes

Post by Kashmir »

He is using the DJIA as an indicator of the current state of the economy, as do a lot of economic analysts, it tends to go up and down with the economy. Is it the sole indicator? No, but it's one of many useful indicators. You can't be sure about the inflation comparison without knowing what the dow divisor was on the day the milestone was reached, 1/14/2000. Let's assume he has that information and has calculated it out, which is likely since he does market analysis and makes a living selling his advice to investors. The point he is making is that the dow hasn't made any significant headway in 14 years and he's using that as an indicator of the economy. A quick search of the web reveals a lot of analysts coming to the same conclusion about the market. The actual DJIA is higher now than the figure from 1/14/2000 but accounting for inflation and other factors 1/14/2000 is widely supported as the peak milestone, it's been in decline since then.

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Re: Yikes

Post by Kashmir »

How he arrived at the specific date I can't tell you. I can tell you he is not the only person to have pegged that timeframe though, I've read April-May from a few sources.

Here is some info about the man.


He's also not the only person to provide commentary on the failing US economy, connect it to the internet, technology and the changing face of the economic landscape.

Here is another one.


You can look through John Robb's archives and you will come across instances of him detailing how drones will be used in the future, including for shipments and this was long before Amazon detailed their plans for the use of drones. You should really read his stuff about drones, it's pretty unsettling, especially when you consider the low cost of them, these aren't like the weapons of the past reserved solely for nations due to the extreme costs. Think autonomous drone swarms, with drones that can gather resources from the environment to fuel the swarm, self replication via drones with 3D fabrication and drones equipped with micro smart munitions. There is a company out of Albuquerque, NM which has developed a "smart bullet". This bullet is like a micro cruise missile, it's the size of a .308 calibre bullet, it can make course corrections 30 times per second. It can hit a laser marked target to within 8 inches from over a mile away. John Robb also wrote a book about the changing face of warfare and detailed the sort of problems encountered by the US military in conflicts like Afghanistan and Iraq in advance of those conflicts, he was spot on. He's a pretty smart dude, he also paints a bleak future for the World economy.

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Re: Yikes

Post by Aki »

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Re: Yikes

Post by Kashmir »

This is from a couple of years ago, they self right themselves. A whole swarm of these could be dumped from a cargo plane, self right themselves and get to doing whatever. There's another video demonstrating how these can perch on just about anything for surveillance outfitted with a lightweight camera.


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Re: Yikes

Post by Kashmir »

More economic sanctions on Russia, April 23rd might be looking more likely, maybe sooner.

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Re: Yikes

Post by switch »

I'm listening to this guy's Veritas radio interview for 2014 and its the usual conspiratorial bollox. The first twenty minutes is entirely about chem-trails which should tell you about how useful this "information" is.

It's incredibly obvious that "Cliff High" is a malthusian "econominst" and technological determinist (and most likely an anarcho-capitalist libertarian) and his entire world view is defined by these attributes. He also endorses the American decline model, which is very popular amongst libertarians these days.
He spends an immense amount of time talking about various crypto-history and secret history topics which are utterly irrelevant and have nothing to do with future projections. Conspiratorial weed smokers love bringing up crypto-history for some reason. eg, Graham Hancock.

Ultimately, for Mr. High it all comes down to "Zionist global banking" interests. Who might also be reptilians. Shocker.

The modus operandi of the 21st century conspiracy theorist (and COINTEL Pro agent) is to spew as many unrelated and countervailing theories as possible in long youtube videos that become increasingly bizarre as they progress (and usually end up trying to sell you something).

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Re: Yikes

Post by Kashmir »

switch wrote:I'm listening to this guy's Veritas radio interview for 2014 and its the usual conspiratorial bollox. The first twenty minutes is entirely about chem-trails which should tell you about how useful this "information" is.

It's incredibly obvious that "Cliff High" is a malthusian "econominst" and technological determinist (and most likely an anarcho-capitalist libertarian) and his entire world view is defined by these attributes. He also endorses the American decline model, which is very popular amongst libertarians these days.
He spends an immense amount of time talking about various crypto-history and secret history topics which are utterly irrelevant and have nothing to do with future projections. Conspiratorial weed smokers love bringing up crypto-history for some reason. Ie, Graham Hancock.

Ultimately, for Mr. High it all comes down to "Zionist global banking" interests. Who might also be reptilians. Shocker.

The modus operandi of the 21st century conspiracy theorist (and COINTEL Pro agent) is to spew as many unrelated and countervailing theories as possible in long youtube videos that become increasingly bizarre as they progress (and usually end up trying to sell you something).

Haven't followed Cliff High at all, the only one of the two that I pay any attention to is George Ure. As for the final bit I can't comment on that, I don't bounce around youtube watching random obscure videos in my spare time. However, Obama has now taken action for the second time by placing a second round of sanctions on Russia. The EU is set to meet Thursday I believe and discuss possible sanctions. We'll see what happens there. I don't buy into the conspiracy theories, illuminati, bilderbergs, new world order, etc... I do somewhat support the idea, however, that the world economic landscape might be so far gone at this point that it might be easier just to kibosh the whole thing and start over as opposed to repairing the current landscape.

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Re: Yikes

Post by Pogue »

Sam? GRU Sam??

Posts: 55
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Re: Yikes

Post by Kashmir »

Obama - More sanctions on senior Russian officials, along with other individuals offering economic support to Russia and a bank.
Signed an executive order paving the way for more economic sanctions on sectors of the Russian economy in cooperation with the EU.

Lead from behind Obama is doing his best to escalate this situation.

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Re: Yikes

Post by shadow »

Kashmir wrote:Obama - More sanctions on senior Russian officials, along with other individuals offering economic support to Russia and a bank.
Signed an executive order paving the way for more economic sanctions on sectors of the Russian economy in cooperation with the EU.

Lead from behind Obama is doing his best to escalate this situation.
sweet slimy gay jew idiot for the VICTORY

fckin ass lobsters

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