WWII Tourney Week 1 Results

Hosted by Overdose
Posts: 15
Joined: 16 Feb 2019, 00:16

WWII Tourney Week 1 Results

Post by overdose »

I am pleased to report that so far three people have qualified for the final round: karma, hobbes, and myself. There are three more weeks of prelim matches so I'm sure many more people will qualify.

Narrative: So far this tournament belongs to Karma. Within a week of returning, he has absolutely demolished the competition. He leads in most relevant statistics. There have been many people who have challenged him only to receive an rpg to the face (including myself).

At this point, the only threat to Karma's domination is Spy, who rode a monster 11-game winning streak to put up some big points. We will see if he can maintain this pace as he approaches the 30-game requirement.

Here are the standings as of now:
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Key Stats:
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Peripheral Stats:
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ps - Copy.PNG (36.91 KiB) Viewed 3445 times

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