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Posted: 22 Aug 2016, 16:15
by DBSeeker
A. Game Rules

Normal Myth rules apply.

B. Scoring

W/T/L. Games.

C. Format

Relegation Elimination. After first 3 weeks of Round Robin - the team with worst record gets eliminated. Records reset to 0/0/0. Two more weeks of Round Robin - Team with worst record after this gets eliminated. After this - Championship round.

7 games for the championship.

D. Registration

Sign up on the registration thread.

E. Subs:

They will be allowed. 1 per team if you have more than 3 players. You can have 2 subs if you have less than 3 players. Both teams must agree on the subs involved in the games.

Rule Addendum(Week 3 Onwards): If you force a person on your team to sit a game in favor of a sub, you will automatically lose that game.

F. Fallback:

Team by team basis. I will finalize it tomorrow, when I release the schedule.

G. Map Rules:

See Maps thread for the maps involved.

SD-style picking. First pick determined by a 1 v 1 before the game.

H. Tiebreakers (End of Round):

In the event of a tied w/t/l between two teams, the first tiebreaker will be overall match record. After that, head to head record.

In the event of a tie between three teams, we will have a 3 team mini tournament between all the tied teams. Each team will play two games against each other. The map picks will be alternated between each team. The team with the worst record in this mini-tournament is eliminated. If, after the first round, there is still a tie, a second round will be played between all teams, this will continue until the tie is broken.

Re: Rules:

Posted: 23 Aug 2016, 20:29
by Cutard
no subs, no QR

1 match winner takes all best of 7

Re: Rules:

Posted: 08 Sep 2016, 08:44
by wwo
Might I propose first to 4 wins, win by 2. The map picking process already looks pretty wonky, so potentially going into a game 7 with a chance of playing something utterly ridiculous because of a 1v1 seems silly. These are good teams. Maybe such impetuous randomness could be scaled back a bit.

Re: Rules:

Posted: 13 Sep 2016, 19:47
by Giant Killer General
I assume nobody shares their map picks ahead of time, so everyone should be able to request up to 5 min plan time to be able to think of something, yes?

Re: Rules:

Posted: 13 Sep 2016, 19:56
by DBSeeker
That's fine.

Re: Rules:

Posted: 26 Sep 2016, 05:05
by Giant Killer General
I thought this was changed to single elimination after the 3 week round robin 3. I thought I heard that somewhere, can you confirm? Otherwise you are basically saying that the week 3 round robin matches next weekend are meaningless because it cannot change who the top 2 seeds are or who the bottom 2 seeds are. In which case, Care and AMF would play each other this week, and then just repeat it again the week after that as well since they are the #3 and #4 seeds no matter what at this point. It would be kind of lame that way.

We should add an extra week, and just do single elim, if that is not the plan already. I wouldn't want to screw the #3 and #4 seeds that badly over just the first couple matches. Especially Care who had 2 close matches - they deserve another shot. I am sure everyone would be fine with another week, seems too short otherwise. Also consider that nobody is likely going to show up for the so-called consolation match to fight for 3rd place. I don't think that has ever been done in any tournament that I can recall.

Re: Rules:

Posted: 26 Sep 2016, 06:42
by adrenaline
anything that extends this tourney would be a good thing. There was 40 people online today during the matches... that needs to happen more often.

Re: Rules:

Posted: 26 Sep 2016, 22:32
by DBSeeker
Going to change the rules slightly to ensure that this week is going to be more competitive, and we will alter the playoff structure a little bit.

Right now the three options are:

1. Move to W/T/L referring to games not matches. This will only alter the standings for Team Tirri & AMF. Still keep everyone involved. Easiest change to do. X factor is that it relies on AMF to pull things together given that there are some new developments with that team that might prevent that from happening. I think there's a 50-60% chance we're just giving Team Tirri a forfeit win since I won't be around to prop things up.

2. Remove AMF. Disburse their active players to other teams. Have a weekend championship this week. GH vs. Care on Saturday. Winner faces Two and a Half Good Players.

3. Play through this weekend. Team who places fourth this week gets eliminated. The remaining three teams play each other. After those 3 matches are concluded, the team in last gets eliminated. This could add two-three more weeks to the schedule. It's probably the most exciting option, but hardest to coordinate.

Single elimination/traditional playoff structure is on the outs. Cu was against it based on the chats we've had.

If people want more games/matches, we can keep the same teams and just do a Season 2.

Re: Rules:

Posted: 26 Sep 2016, 23:25
by Giant Killer General
Well of the 3 options described, option #3 seems like the only goodish option to me. I am not sure why we are so against single elimination though when that 3rd option is very similar to it.

Doing a season 2 seems iffy to me, I think the off-season mindset is going to sweep the community in another couple months around the holidays to make us all lose interest and need a break. We can swing another 3-4 weeks, but probably not a whole other event from scratch.

I also think we should have a poll of the team captains, myself, tirri, paris, and limp (or other qualified representative from each team) to see what we would all prefer to do. We are the ones organizing our teams to participate in this event after all. Or even just a poll of everyone who is participating, if people can start posting what they would prefer so we at least know.

Re: Rules:

Posted: 27 Sep 2016, 04:26
by DBSeeker
After talking to a few folks, we're going with Option #3. Rules updated accordingly to reflect this.

Re: Rules:

Posted: 17 Oct 2016, 01:34
by Lord---Scary Owl
DBSeeker wrote:H. Tiebreakers (End of Round):

In the event of a tie between three teams, we will have a 3 person mini 1 v 1 tournament to be played between a representative from each team. The team representative & team with the worst record in this mini-tournament is eliminated. If, after the first round, there is still a tie, a second round will be played between all three team representatives will play another round to break this tie, this will continue until the tie is broken.
I still suggest a 5 man team GZD KOTH game would settle this out better, and quicker if it happened....

Re: Rules:

Posted: 17 Oct 2016, 22:31
by DBSeeker
Changed & updated.