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How you first got myth: poll

Posted: 12 Oct 2015, 19:37
by switch
How u get myth newb?

Re: How you first got myth: poll

Posted: 13 Oct 2015, 16:31
by Revan
father worked on m3 and gave me beta copies and santas head got me into the previous ones giving me a worlds disc.

Re: How you first got myth: poll

Posted: 13 Oct 2015, 20:32
by Lord---Scary Owl
he should be ashamed, M3 was crap.....

Re: How you first got myth: poll

Posted: 13 Oct 2015, 21:27
by Revan
Lord---Scary Owl wrote:he should be ashamed, M3 was crap.....
Right, because making a whole new game off shitty code in less than 10 months with low budget and take2 as your publisher we should be grateful it didn't wipe our hard drives for trying to uninstall that buggy ass game. Ahem.

Re: How you first got myth: poll

Posted: 13 Oct 2015, 23:01
by Lord---Scary Owl

Re: How you first got myth: poll

Posted: 14 Oct 2015, 03:23
by grenade
Birthday soulblighter is close enough, I guess. I read a couple reviews of The Fallen Lords and a preview of Soulblighter in a magazine for people who were total Magic: The Gathering nerds like me called the Duelist. I thought the original looked fantastic and I wanted to play it, and then I came into some money (I was 13, so it was either Christmas or my birthday or something) from my aunt. She took me to the mall, I got the game, installed it on my completely shitty Power Mac 7200/120 (the 120 was for MHz) that was like 5 years old... it chopped like a mother fucker and crashed all the damn time, but I was sold. Shortly thereafter, we upgraded to a grape 333MHz G3 iMac and my experience improved greatly. The rest is a rather unfortunate history for the Myth 2 game servers, as I'm sure I was as toolish as ever.

Re: How you first got myth: poll

Posted: 14 Oct 2015, 21:10
by Pogue
Myth 2 demo. Nothing but gimble and desert all day.

Re: How you first got myth: poll

Posted: 15 Oct 2015, 17:00
by Lord---Scary Owl
LOL grenade i still have my old G3!!! It has mouse problems and it doesnt have wifi connectivity but it still runs. I have the original TFL on that bad boy. I play on a Mac laptop nowadays though. Remember the lan.....

Re: How you first got myth: poll

Posted: 15 Oct 2015, 21:25
by Ratking
Bought tfl from Media Play back in the day. When m2sbr came out it was a natural choice. When I finally got a high speed connect (B-ISDN, lol) bungie was at it climax of hooring. Raid, gfgg and ww2 were almost too common. The activity at that time is nostalgic to reflect back on.

I think I got into reg on when I was attempting to get sober when I was 19 or 20. Never got too much into until much later on Marius.

Does anyone remember when falcon and I started Again, more lols!

The switch to GoS was another milestone.. I wonder when I will quit this game. Truth be told I was going to retire if I won last year's mwc. I feel like that would be the last thing I care to accomplish with myth.

Re: How you first got myth: poll

Posted: 15 Oct 2015, 22:13
by grenade
Lord---Scary Owl wrote:LOL grenade i still have my old G3!!! It has mouse problems and it doesnt have wifi connectivity but it still runs. I have the original TFL on that bad boy. I play on a Mac laptop nowadays though. Remember the lan.....
That's awesome! I wish I had mine still. I do have a 2002 iMac G4 that still runs... when it wants to. I have M3 on that.:-D

Re: How you first got myth: poll

Posted: 16 Oct 2015, 03:43
by Boxer
My cousin worked for bungie. Got tfl as a gift. I've got a 3.5 with the update on it so the camera can zoom out. Played on a 133 Pentium with a 24k connection. The video card was 4 or 8 meg. I've also got some autographed pictures of thrall! Suck it, crackers.

Re: How you first got myth: poll

Posted: 16 Oct 2015, 14:03
by Lord---Scary Owl
My dad was going through his old stuff a few years ago and he was like, "here son, this is myth, have fun. I had fun back in the bungie days." and I got hooked on TFL. Then his friend was like, have you played soulblighter yet? And that started the best era of my life....

Re: How you first got myth: poll

Posted: 16 Oct 2015, 19:48
by Pogue
Lord---Scary Owl wrote:And that started the best era of my life....
That's actually pretty pathetic. You're probably Ralph Wiggum in real life.

Re: How you first got myth: poll

Posted: 16 Oct 2015, 20:14
by Lord---Scary Owl
ive only been alive 14 years. not like anything else is better than myth...

Re: How you first got myth: poll

Posted: 18 Oct 2015, 02:36
by grenade
Lord---Scary Owl wrote:ive only been alive 14 years. not like anything else is better than myth...
Fuck the naysayers.

Re: How you first got myth: poll

Posted: 21 Oct 2015, 16:28
by shinco
Brother got the demo then the full version. He wouldn't let me play on his account so I stayed on demo. Then he got married and moved away and family his computer, including his myth account saved. Still played the demo the finally bought my own copy so I could use my own login


Re: How you first got myth: poll

Posted: 23 Oct 2015, 05:58
by Myrk
I got Pathways Into Darkness for my bday (or xmas...don't remember which) when I was 13 or so and was hooked on Bungie games ever since.

Re: How you first got myth: poll

Posted: 23 Oct 2015, 20:04
by Pogue
Myrk wrote:I got Pathways Into Darkness for my bday (or xmas...don't remember which) when I was 13 or so and was hooked on Bungie games ever since.