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Fucked up Food Terminology

Posted: 25 Jun 2015, 04:41
by drunken_deer
Buffalo Wings Image

Somebody please explain where the buffalo is cooked when its fucking chicken wings, this is called false advertising and is considered agaist the law in most civilised countries.

Weiner also known as a hot dog or sausage. Enough said

Calling Jelly instead of Jam ie: penut butter and jelly

A Jam is made up of fruit preserved in usually pectin and sugar
A jelly is usually crystalized form, comes out like a wobbly dome shape things you put lots of vodka in.

Scalloped Potato instead of Potato Cake
Scalloped potato is thinly sliced potato layered extensivly with creamy white sauce and cheese
A potato cake is a fried disc of potato similar to a hash brown but not as greasy or shitty found in fish and chip shops usually.

ill probally update with more specifics later but I hope you Americans realize how dissapointed I was to find out buffalo wings were not made with real buffalo

Re: Fucked up Food Terminology

Posted: 25 Jun 2015, 10:44
Scalloped potatoes are delicious. Buffalo chicken wings are disgusting. BBQ for LYFE.

Re: Fucked up Food Terminology

Posted: 25 Jun 2015, 19:08
by Pogue
drunken_deer wrote:Buffalo Wings Image

Somebody please explain where the buffalo is cooked when its fucking chicken wings, this is called false advertising and is considered agaist the law in most civilised countries.
Buffalo wings are called Buffalo because they originated in Buffalo, New York. Which, is that city's only claim to fame, because otherwise it is a fucking depressing place. Furthermore, I love chicken wings but Buffalo wings always have too much batter...

Re: Fucked up Food Terminology

Posted: 25 Jun 2015, 21:39
by Lord---Scary Owl
drunken_deer wrote:ill probally update with more specifics later but I hope you Americans realize how dissapointed I was to find out buffalo wings were not made with real buffalo

Idiot, I think anyone with a brain would know that little 5 inch wings are not from buffalo. Maybe you should care less about what it is being eaten. Just watch the movie Soyant Green to find out what food is made of.

Re: Fucked up Food Terminology

Posted: 26 Jun 2015, 03:55
by drunken_deer
Lord---Scary Owl wrote:
drunken_deer wrote:ill probally update with more specifics later but I hope you Americans realize how dissapointed I was to find out buffalo wings were not made with real buffalo

Idiot, I think anyone with a brain would know that little 5 inch wings are not from buffalo. Maybe you should care less about what it is being eaten. Just watch the movie Soyant Green to find out what food is made of.
you made me laugh so much, I got this picture of a whole leg haunch of buffalo battered. Its not like you couldnt break down the animal and make drumsticks. like chicken nuggets.

Re: Fucked up Food Terminology

Posted: 27 Jun 2015, 04:02
by Lord---Scary Owl
The nuggets could be buffalo, the legs have tiny chicken bones and muscle shape to the chicken. McDonald's is buffalo....Buffalo is Chicken....Chicken is Delicious.

Re: Fucked up Food Terminology

Posted: 27 Jun 2015, 06:22
by dac
drunken_deer wrote:ts not like you couldnt break down the animal and make drumsticks.
