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A tribute to my glorious team captain, sam

Posted: 23 Jun 2015, 09:32
by Zak ...

I dedicate this plugin to NameChangers glorious leader, Samwise Mcgee.

I know Deadhold is the next big thing in myth mapmaking, but I thought I would make the crossover everyone has been REALLY waiting for.

MYTHHOLD! Now you can play myth but use the awesome status changing abilities you loved in that Deadhold game! I created several Statusmancers, so to speak. They don't deal direct damage (except for a pitiful staff attack), but they can cause it plenty of other ways!

1. Life Drain: Your wizard will cast this at short range to drain the life of an enemy. They can be saved with a heal or two, or casting the opposite spell called REGENERATION!

2. Regeneration: Ever wish you could heal and fight at the same time? Now you can! With the lovely regeneration spell, any unit this is cast on can charge fearlessly into battle with no worry of tactics.

3. Confusion: Miss the warlocks of confusion from the campaign? Not anymore! Each wizard is equipped with their own confusion spell! Fair warning though, they can only target themselves, they aren't warlocks after all. Always a good choice for a quick getaway from some malicious melee.

4. Self Destruct: Tried regeneration, confusion, and every other trick up your sleeve to escape from the enemy who just keeps on coming? Out of options? Maybe you just want to land-wight somebody. Well this is the spell for you! Your wizard will self destruct with the hit of the T button! They will also destruct upon death caused by an enemy when this spell is activated.

5. Deflection Shield: Tired of your melee getting plinked with arrows and enemy artillery? Use this spell! It will create a protective shield that will prevent missiles from entering. Stifle that pus ghol! Make that dwarf's bottle blow up in his face! Also great for carpet bombing, if you're a fan of that.

6. Attraction Vortex: Ever wondered what would happen if you turned your deflection shield inside out? Stop wondering and find out! Reap the benefits of disrupting enemy missile units, with the added benefit of tearing them to pieces with shrapnel! Thats right, any sharp object in this field is going to cut through units inside of it, over and over, until they can escape. You thought it was dangerous to walk on satchels, now you have to be wary of walking on dead bodies too!

7. Paralysis Ball: Run out of pus or ghols? Never fear, with the handy paralysis ball, your wizard can set your dwarf up for an awesome explosion by freezing enemies hit by his mid-range paralysis orb!

8. Stone Orb: Got melee units closing in fast and happen to have a full tank of mana? Shoot one of these short range doomsday orbs at them and its like rolling a bowling ball down the alley at some pins. Watch out though, if you don't get a strike, you're all out of luck!

9. Healing: Last, but certainly not least, the reliable journeyman heal. These guys are equipped with 10 mandrake roots which they use as ammunition for healing and their various other spells. Use them with care, because if you run out of roots you will find you can only cast deflection shields and attraction vortexes!

Re: A tribute to my glorious team captain, sam

Posted: 23 Jun 2015, 10:24
by Zak
Need some feedback on this.

Since I don't want confusion to be a ranged attack, I made it so to activate you T click self. However some people found this confusing because they didn't read the text when you hit "T", to know its not a ranged spell. I could switch it to automatically casting when you hit T, like with the suicide spell, but I worry that will cause equal amounts of frustration. What would you, as the player, prefer?

Also please point out any spells you feel are underpowered or overpowered.

Re: A tribute to my glorious team captain, sam

Posted: 23 Jun 2015, 15:55
by shadow

Re: A tribute to my glorious team captain, sam

Posted: 23 Jun 2015, 20:30
by Homer
Just when you couldn't be anymore stupid, you go and do something like this.

Re: A tribute to my glorious team captain, sam

Posted: 23 Jun 2015, 21:17
by Cutard
I have a feeling this probably plays better than deadhold.

Re: A tribute to my glorious team captain, sam

Posted: 22 Jul 2015, 17:47
by vinylrake
don't have myth installed on my new comp yet so i can't give actual gameplay feedback, but from your description "MythHold" sounds like a really interesting (and potentially fun) plugin.

Re: A tribute to my glorious team captain, sam

Posted: 23 Jul 2015, 02:48
by Lizard King
Why are you wasting precious time posting here when you could be spending it working on the next coonbros? Unacceptable.

Re: A tribute to my glorious team captain, sam

Posted: 23 Jul 2015, 16:36
by Zak
Lizard King wrote:Why are you wasting precious time posting here when you could be spending it working on the next coonbros? Unacceptable.
Clearly this was developed and finished before Gladiators: Coonageddon was even an idea.