1.8 feature suggestions

A single berserk reached us yesterday, after having come all the way over the mountains from the city of Willow, fourteen hundred miles away. He delivered to Alric a single package the size of a man's fist, wrapped in rags, and refuses to talk with anyone about events in the West.
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1.8 feature suggestions

Post by Renwood »

punkuser, before you said that including the option for 32 max players per game was doable, but that it would require changes to the metasever marius.net in order to function, and that ppe and et al would not be making any new changes to the server.

Could you guys implement 32 players max for TCP IP hosting and just add this to the 1.8 client?

This why you can avoid needing the metaserver changes to get it up and running.
With all the people that are Firewalled on Marius, it would be great to see people hosting TCP IP games again.
With 32 players max, it might really help to get people interested in hosting TCP IP.

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Re: 1.8 feature suggestions

Post by punkUser »

Renwood wrote: Could you guys implement 32 players max for TCP IP hosting and just add this to the 1.8 client?
No, the change in max player count would have to be done globally in the Myth client. i.e. a client that is compiled for 32 players won't work with any previous clients or any current metaservers.
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Re: 1.8 feature suggestions

Post by NewMutator »

I'm pretty sure there are people that continue to play TCP/IP to avoid some of the... excitement of Mnet. I don't think you would necessarily see those games being played unless you were invited to them or were the host. That's the entire advantage of playing on Mnet.
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Re: 1.8 feature suggestions

Post by Renwood »

Thanks for the info punkuser.

I allways thought it would be awesome to have in fear a "Reflexsive action button" So that a unit would instantly do the reflexsive action when you hit a button on the keyboard. It would be really usefull for warriors who can block incoming arrows with a shield and units like Journymen could heal themselves without having to hit T then click on the J man itself, among countless other uses.

In situations like when a healer is trapped in the middle of a lot of units freindly or enemy units and its really hard to click on himself to heal, this reflexsive action button would be really helpfull.
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Re: 1.8 feature suggestions

Post by blahblahblah »

Did someone forget to send Renwood the memo that 1.8 is in bug testing mode and if it's going to get released before MWC no new features are going to be added? Or does he think you can just throw a new user feature into the game without extensive testing? Or is he just stupid?

Never mind the last question, that was a retorical question.
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Re: 1.8 feature suggestions

Post by Renwood »


Can you guys make it so just the TEXT for things like kill amounts Player name/owner of units and ammo counts or if ghol has something carried it NOT transparent? The transparent F6 bar is great, but making it harder to read some important infomation is not so great. It that possible?
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Re: 1.8 feature suggestions

Post by Renwood »

Punkuser, Just for a record I am going to post here what I was asking you today in those few games we played today as well as another cool idea.

#1 Further Max Zoom IN. I have a few new maps in the works that could really use being able to zoom in more, and this would help a lot on certain maps and bungie maps with lower map areas and valleys where zooming in to find small objects like fire arrows, roots or big puss in a pile of battlefield detritus can be very difficult to find such tiny objects with the current max zoom in.

#2 When you center the camera on a unit with H or a combonation of H, make the camera face the same direction the unit or preset is facing. Right now when you hit H and center on a unit, its random wich way the camera is facing and you have to rotate the camera around to get the perspective you want.

#3 I did not mention this today, but I had asked for in the past MANY times over the last 6 years on the mamga forums, hl.udogs hotline server and other magma hang outs and it lead to the inclusion of the persistant vets feature in COOP games, where with veterans enabled checked in the host's settings even when new people come in you all get to keep your vets. Allthough this is really cool, its not what I asked for. I kept asking for an OPTION for there to be persistant vets in multiplayer. So just like how it works now, the host has to CHECK the OPTION for veterans to be enabled for it to work. The only difference being that when new people come in everybody's vets wont go POOF! This dissappearing vets makes the current multiplayer veterans feature almost completely worthless. As if anybody gets disconected and rejoins or any new people join, everybody suffers and loses their vets. You cant even go outside the host and check the lobby without EVERYBODY losing their vets when you rejoin! If people do not want to play with persistant multiplayer vets, they WONT have to, its an option that the host can toggle on and off and will be visible to the everybody on the host before they join the game from the lobby, AND you can see if vets are on in a hosted game before it starts. This would add a lot of cool new interesting senarios to multiplayer. I would love to have a J man (FATTIE!) that survived 5 games and had 10 kills. from FFA games, then have him carry over into a large 2 team game when more players join the game. Some of the great unique MYTHY gameplay of naming a unit, having him survive many battles, get veteran status and kills and growing attached to it could now be a freature in Multiplayer as well.
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Re: 1.8 feature suggestions

Post by SamTheButcher »

One thing about your Vets idea Ren is that all regular units dont have any Vet benefits after 5 anyway. So to have a 10 vet Jman would be no different than a 5 Vet. Right?
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Re: 1.8 feature suggestions

Post by SamTheButcher »

I think I have asked this before at the Magma forums. I'm not sure if it was answered or not and hopefully it wouldnt be too late to include in 1.8. That is the Retreat command. Right now it works just like Scatter. At least whenever I've tried it. Shouldnt Retreat make the units move in the opposite direction that they are facing when the Retreat command is given?
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Re: 1.8 feature suggestions

Post by Renwood »

I am well aware default bungie units do not get any increase with more then 5 kills, But a fattie with 10 kills is just fuckin bad ass, and you KNOW IT! ~8^) Its also really fun to see how many battles they have survived with the little vet icons.

Sam allthough a good idea, I think at this point, making retreat work like it should, would be a major undertaking. I bet thats why bungie left it working like scatter does. It would have to work by making units run away from the nearest enemy units, and if there are multiple enemy units on diferent sides, they just kinda run away from any of the closest enemies they get near. I imagine it would work how units run away from wights when wights get near enemy units that are idle. Maybe if for like 5 seconds every unit told to retreat thought every enemy unit was a wight and ran away from it? I dunno, sounds like it would get complicated to implement really quickly. Unless it could be done just like I mentioned, where units use the "Hard Coded" (punkuser is this a code thing? I dont believe its a fear setting that makes guys run away from wights) and for like 5 seconds after you hit Retreat they act like every enemy is a wight, untill you give them another command.
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Re: 1.8 feature suggestions

Post by SamTheButcher »

What about them just moving in the opposite direction than they were facing when the Scatter command was given? How hard would that be?
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Re: 1.8 feature suggestions

Post by Renwood »

sam if your units are facing different directions when told to retreat, how would that work? If they just all went the opposite directions they were facing, I dont think that would end up being a retreat. If they were all facing the same direction that would work.
but its not a solution to making a functioning retreat, as if units told to retreat were not all facing the same direction and units just retreated the opposite direction they were facing, you would get units running INTO the enemy also if had their backs to the enemy, or were faced multiple directions when told to retreat.
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Re: 1.8 feature suggestions

Post by SamTheButcher »

Yea Ren there would be things like you are saying that would happen but it gives Players another option that could be helpful if used correctly. Most of the time your units are facing the enemy anyway. If people know how it works they will find good ways to use it. I dont think Bungie anticipated Puss and Bottle combinations but since they were there people figure out ways to use them. The more options available to Players the more control they have and it allows more room for creative play.
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Re: 1.8 feature suggestions

Post by Renwood »

Yea sam, having retreat just make units run the opposite direction then they are facing is certainly better then how it is now, where its just another scatter key.
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