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Metaserver Update 2013-09-04

Posted: 05 Sep 2013, 04:51
by punkUser
Bunch of little changes and fixes, but the biggest is adding support for rank icons. How these are assigned is fairly arbitrary and can be dependent on room type (unranked, tournament, etc).

I promised an icon to the winners of MWC and MFC a while back and I can do that now. I'll make it active in both unranked and tourney rooms for fun :) No promises on how long you can keep it, but at least for a few months.

So MWC winners - hit me up sometime and let me know what rank icon you'd like (daggers, shield, celest and so on).

Re: Metaserver Update 2013-09-04

Posted: 05 Sep 2013, 15:17
by adrenaline
but no actual ranking system in place yet... right?

Re: Metaserver Update 2013-09-04

Posted: 05 Sep 2013, 16:29
by punkUser

Re: Metaserver Update 2013-09-04

Posted: 11 Sep 2013, 11:44
by grim
How about them articles.

Re: Metaserver Update 2013-09-04

Posted: 11 Sep 2013, 14:22
by punkUser
Dac was working on converting them to bbcode. Haven't heard about progress but I'll ping him when I see him online.