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Re: GKG's Top Myth Players Of All Time

Posted: 18 Aug 2016, 21:45
by Ratking
I get it, and I understand the critertia. I just have so little respect for you or your posts that I wanted to fling mud in your eye.

Re: GKG's Top Myth Players Of All Time

Posted: 18 Aug 2016, 22:03
by Giant Killer General
oh you sure showed me then.

Re: GKG's Top Myth Players Of All Time

Posted: 19 Aug 2016, 02:03
by Aki
Giant Killer General wrote:anything after 2008 is pretty irrelevant for most everyone else.

Re: GKG's Top Myth Players Of All Time

Posted: 19 Aug 2016, 02:27
by wwo
Aki wrote:
Giant Killer General wrote:anything after 2001 is pretty irrelevant for most everyone else.

Re: GKG's Top Myth Players Of All Time

Posted: 19 Aug 2016, 20:27
by Chohan
wwo wrote:
Aki wrote:
Giant Killer General wrote:anything after 2001 is pretty irrelevant for most everyone else.
Flatline ~anything besides 2001 and 2001 only is irrelevant for all.

Re: GKG's Top Myth Players Of All Time

Posted: 19 Aug 2016, 21:00
by wwo
We jest, but there was a lot of the tfl population who never accepted m2's ascendancy, and don't consider post-tfl to be real myth.

Re: GKG's Top Myth Players Of All Time

Posted: 21 Aug 2016, 14:14
by rabicanänpee
tirri wrote:

ok ok ok

np internal rankings

1. RP - The man the myth the legend. Once won 7vs1 game vs the other np players on desert terries which was pretty much our favorite shit. He was pretty .... controversial guy. M' bison did article in 2001? about Nps cheating spree that was absolutely bullshit but there was some shit actually happening and it was all initiated by rp. He played as vihulainen ~np in 2000 and as with his real handle in BI ,double entered when it was still big nono. Aaaand in one game against ANCRIK(ANRICK?dont remember team name but ) in some meaningless QR round of some shit tier tournament he got pretty pissed because one of the accounts the other team had was ... one of his 50+ dummies(he had 3 A4s full of dummies, back when you actually had to buy game to get one, some of these dudes still played the game). Shared between sunstyle and that crowd. Soo he uh got creme to play on the opposing team on that account for one game. I have absolutely no idea how none in their team figured tihs shit out but... yeaaah. I was pretty pissed about this shit . He also got flatline to dummy for us in some game in COM tournament. National level tennis player. For me he was the only player i could never compete with evenly. In later years tirri joined np after his ~7 consecutive solo tournament wins and shit and lot of people probably consider him the best np player . Buuut agains tirri it felt like i could compete, it always felt like it was possible to win against him. Between Tirri and me i woudl give tirri around 70:30 chance. Against rp ... nothing, he was on the other level. Gonna stop sucking his dick now, if i had his number i would so do drunken phonecall now. Rp of np.

2. RP was so far ahead of everyone else that he pretty much deserves 2 spots.

3. Chikenwire ~Pod - Besides rp and myself Cw was the only np that understood strategy. Top notch game awareness and pretty good unithandling. He was never the powerhitter of np, didnt handle the trow and shit , but he was kinda responsible of the flow othe game lot of times. Always at the right place at the right time. Bloodlust. Lost us a game of ctf by walking out of flag once. Outside of the game he had very distintive speaking voice and was shy-weird-dude. Brains of np.

4. Jushius - The powerhitter. Used trows, went middle every game. Had gamesense of dead walrus but he amazing untihandling. We put him middle, he fought enemy from first 15 seconds to end of the game every time and never got crushed, no matter what the odds. I think he was the only player in np that actually enjoyed 1vs1 games. Solid as a rock. At mwc 2000 when np first formed none could touch him. I saw him ~20 times or something IRL , his flat mates called him "iceman" cause he froze and shit or something. Muscle of np.

5. Since this list takes into account 1on1 alot this space might as well be empty. Cw ,jush and maybe migraine played 1v1. I always hated it and still do in every game i've played. Fucking mount and blade duels. Other nps (besides, cw jush mig me and rp -who also disliked 1v1) probably played 40 1v1s combined . Dante played some "tryouts" for np vs complete noobs and one series vs Dwarf(before he got famous) which he lost. After which he promptly called his big brother rabican who then dismantled dwarf. Also at this point i would like to talk about some dude calling np "stacked team" lool ahahionadfhanödfhöndafhkö. Yeah we were pretty much only finns playing myth, Fire was only non finn ever to ask to join , he posted on our forums and then we took him without knowing anything about him. Never were superstar team or cherry picked dudes just bunch of random faggots and most of us weren't really anything special. We had ~3 excellent players and rest always were.... not bad. Not amazing , not horrible just ... dudes who play myth.

6. Gekko/mig / dante

Mig was always the most underrated np, prolly cause he didn't play that much. He was childhood friends with jush and cw and they had 3man order called pineapples of death before np. He wasn't that far behind them but he just never played all too much during the "golden years". Pretty weird dude IRL , second biggest pevert of np. Nostrils of np.

Gekko LG(?) didn't feature in tournaments much because he was nicest guy in np. We usually showed up with over 7 players and the choice who to sit was always fucking agonizing. Everyone wanted to play every game . We had few powerhitters who played almost every game and then... AAGAH AHNIODAHNFDA_INA F_UCK FLASHBACKS MY HEART IS BREAKING F_UUUCK gekko and possibly finkiller were probably only players whoe ver sat 2 games in a row. Usually after i banged my head in the wall for about 15minutes gekko volunteered. If you have anythign bad to say about gekko you are probably bad person yourself. Cause this dude is fuckging gem. Bench of np.

Dante was ...... .Humm.... Dante... He changed his name from corbulo(?) when np was formed. He was total shit as corbulo *KT* . But after that he improved dramatically and quickly. He was solid but not outstanding. Had some games where he singlehandedly decided the shit out of it. Internally Dante was most vocal member in lot of ways. Most of the other dudes were kinda mellow flabby liberal dudes that kinda passed the ball around never taking responsibility and then dante took the ball, ate it and said some sarcastic shit. Never liked fire much and was against him joining np. He was right ,fire joining was mistake (although he never did anything bad and was pretty cool guy buuuut only non finn guy, english shit it was hassle sometimes: NO BAD FEELINGS FIRE I LIKE Y_Ou BUT FUCK WE ALREADY HAD TOO MANY PLAYERS WE DIDNT NEED YOU) . He wrote TAs for the blood tournament. Team loa(dwarf and co, whetver it was dont remember) complained so much about his tas that all of them were removed iirc. They had player named Anakin and dante just wrote "analking." . This was time when everyone was serious as fuck. I think dante is one of the least know playrers to outside world buuuuut he was big in np. Real big. Personally i blame that myth 3 idiot dantes peak. Spine of np.

9. Fire fhota.

Fire had good unithandling but i always had kinda difficult time handling him. Even with him we mostly spoke finnish and when the finnish spam started he would ignore loooooooooot of th chat (really cant blame him). And that made coordinating kinda difficult. It often felt like we had 6nps and fire, the odd lump in your body that didnt quite fit. He was realyl good player to be sure but .... woulda been better in some other team. Good guy allaround tho. And if someone has some way of contating him point him to this thread cause i'm talking shit about him and shit. Outsider of np.

10. creme warrior

Creme .... Creme's playing skills were kinda running joke sometimes. Give him 2 puss ghols and hope he doesnt puss our team. He wasn't THAT bad but he was clearly worst of np "regulars". And he knew and accepted it, didn't have much of an ego. Absolute core of np (along with Dante and jushius). He played on opppsing Anrick team in one game, even then he was given pussghols and funnily enough he was best player of that team at least damage wise. From minute one creme was special kind of a guy , i can never think of him without smiling. Funniest guy i know. Not because he tells jokes or like, he is terrible at that. He first tells the joke none gets, then he laughs 2mins at it and then he will explain it. Fuck i have to stop typing now before i start crying . Soul of np.

11. Finkiller

Earlier i said that mig was most underrated np but thats only because you fags haven't even heard of finkiller. Not really much to say about him. He didn't show up much, was actually pretty good but kinda almost outisder, was never in practice games and very rarely in tournament games. AND HE WAS LIKE 2-3 YEARS YOUNGER THAN REST OF US SO TOTAL FUCKIN BABY(me ,jush, cw, mig, dante, gekko and tirri-probably are 1984 and cremes is 1985 but finkillers was like 1987 totally unacceptable). Was gonna come to first np meet at cremes parents cabin but when he heard that we wre gonna drunk as fuck he decided against attending. Probably better cause creme's bi-sexual uncle wrote to our butts and we took a picture of it. Anyone got that pic? Kid of np.

12. Damantion(was saint at one point)

Damn was the leader of np , bet you fags didnt even know he existed . He wasn't that great of a player and he knew it too. Part of the great KT betrayal , was oldest and most levelheaded of np. Rest of us were teenager volatile fucksticks so it kinda isn't much of an accomplishment. Think he was like 30 when np formed so he might be dead or mummified by now. I really remember him better from KT days than np ones, he was much overshadowed by bigger personalities and players during np times. Father of np.

13. Tirri

This idiot is lower than finkiller.

Naah okay he would prolly be number 2 spot. But he kinda joined so much after everyone else that i'm not sure he should even be on this list. Might as well include par and hishnik (who totally was zaks' brother and not zak). You all know tirri and his horrible naming sense. Before he joined np i was always fucking irritated by his overinflated ego. After joining np i was always irritated by his overinflated ego. To this day i'm not sure if his online persona is just an act or does he really think so highly of himself. I've seen him 2(?) times IRL and coudln't really get read on him since he spent whole 40 something hours laughing. Face of PooP.

Not rating myself because i don't think i can objectively do that. I was usually around Jush cw level but i've choked so many times in tournaments its miracle i'¨m still breathing. Think i've participated in about 3-4 1on1 tournaments, was finals in first and dropped around first round in rest. Don't think i'm top 10 material, top 50 maybe but that is only because it often feels like other players are playing with their testicles. Not with hands in pants but literally placing their balls on mouse and handling that shit like it. Still haven't won a single warlock duel. And every game i play i see at least 30+ mistakes in my play(used to be more but i'm getting denser with old age). Shistain of np.

This message was brought to you buy drunken rabocan via flatline bugging me on steam and shit. Sorry for personal nostalgia trip. Or not really , probably only reason anyone would read this thread.

i still have beer left and not sleepy and shit so ummm random ramblings will now ensue:

Flatline said he should be in top 50, probably true he was pretty good backin the day. He isn't anymore but he is like fucking 45 or shit. Thats like 15 years past retrirement age in e-sports. Also first time i saw flatline he was top 1 rank and joined random PG ffa game , i walked across the map and backstabbed the shit out of him . This was my clear goal since game started cause i hated high ranks, all whores and shit. After game he said "this is why i don't usually play ffa" and left. Don't think he rememebers this shit.

I still remember my first myth 2 multiplayer game. Game was badlands assasins 2 team, shoulda been random teams but 2 emps joined and jumpstarted. We won the game because of lucky giant duel. Then they dropped the host. I have no idea why i continued playing this shit after that.

Ooohkay i can read the last page of this thread now and nad comments ensue. Waywardone huuhuaa sorry, can't get nostalgic about you cause i really started playing with you after i was dead in the inside. But OFCO_URSE i agree with this everythin after2001 was irrelevant. Kinda yeah. Shit was over after that and it wasn't even slow dying it was car over cliff for myth after that.

Hey hey you someone who said hitlows remember someoen jeff da meek something something. ! My first ever tournament game was 3vs3 1on1 tournament and i think on first round i played vs hitlow . I think i lost 2-1 and jush won his match 2-1 and then chinkewire didn't show up. SAD STORY I KNOW. 1on1 is fucking gay. Only fun i've ever had in 1on1 was some non tournament match vs adrenaline wherei kept picking stuff like DE terries and he got so angry about it ." WHY U NO MANFIGHT" was the sentiment there. I'm sure you all know what i'm talking about.

okay top 5 mythers of all time in no particular order, based on amount of dominance they had in the scene at their peak(or somet shit like that. shit is practically impossible to judge):

Tirri : eh. Longest tournament win streak of anyone . Probaly, if someone has won last 20 1on1 and 2-team trounaments . well euh doesn'tmatter. If you don't place him in your top 5 you have huge personal bias. Fuck you and fuck your discordion. And you better add me since you forced me to get that shit handle : tirrionmulkvisti

Chohan: Dominant as fuck, especially on 1on1s. Don't think he has had much success in 2-team tournaments. Or wait , did he win MWC`? might've wellll shit. I was gonna type here how it probably wasn't his fault since he actually has pretty good game sense. I knew him years before his glory days or mine, since our orders were ALLIED (yeah well , we were 15 or something, sue me ) Kt and ...phalanx? Sigh, i remember losing 3vs3 desert terries to his team, they broke 10minute stalemate by secretly sifting all warrrs to one flank. Probably only took so long to get his fame because of poor internet connection and lack of social skills.

RP: This might seem like personal bias, probably because it is . And the fact that he hasn't really played since 2001. Only one on this list who hasn't gained his fame by 1on1ing. Or well tirri was beast in ffa too i guess. Not because he was bad at 1on1- he was fucing good at it- he simply had no interest in it . Probably cause its faggotry. Said enough of him previously.

gkg: I'm bit less sure about gkg, mostly because he got the scene so late, during time when i had already drank away most of my prowess. But he has been clearly dominant in 1v1 enviroment and from the few times i've played with him in 2-t he has really good grasp of strategy and good map awareness. I don't like his attitude , but then again its same for everyone in this list.

elfoid: great hair sense, probably fucked his sister. Not sure if he has ever won a tournament game in his life but rest of you faggots deserver to be listed wit elfoid.

also apparently i last logged on to this shit on 2014 and i have 11 mesasges from father x-mas. if you still play say hi, i'm sorry i missed those last 11 matches ,i promise to probably show up today if we are still playing on same team.
post ends. if i still have beer left i'm gonna do MYTH QUIZZ POST; THUMBS UP ON MY C HANNEL

Re: GKG's Top Myth Players Of All Time

Posted: 21 Aug 2016, 14:15
by rabicanänpee
think i spent 3 hours of my life on that post. once i shat myself and walked 10mins with poop in my pants and it didn't feel this pathetic.

Re: GKG's Top Myth Players Of All Time

Posted: 21 Aug 2016, 14:20
by par73
Compelling fucken work Rabican! 5/5 TROW

Re: GKG's Top Myth Players Of All Time

Posted: 21 Aug 2016, 14:23
by par73
rabicanänpee wrote: Dante
He wrote TAs for the blood tournament. Team loa(dwarf and co, whetver it was dont remember) complained so much about his tas that all of them were removed iirc. They had player named Anakin and dante just wrote "analking." . This was time when everyone was serious as fuck. I think dante is one of the least know playrers to outside world buuuuut he was big in np. Real big. Personally i blame that myth 3 idiot dantes peak. Spine of np.
d is a fucking fine quote

Re: GKG's Top Myth Players Of All Time

Posted: 21 Aug 2016, 17:14
by adrenaline
You forgot henri, xel and trix. And I remember that 1v1 series vaguely lol... I believe we also played Untamed KOTH as one of our games. Ya I was probably annoyed by the picks but I'm sure it was a fun match.

Re: GKG's Top Myth Players Of All Time

Posted: 21 Aug 2016, 17:57
by tirri
untamed koth reminds me of a thing i had completely forgotten: badlands koth is the ultimate test in 1v1s
i think nem and i had one really good game there in a 1v1 tourney once. he beat me and advanced in a close match i believe

Re: GKG's Top Myth Players Of All Time

Posted: 21 Aug 2016, 21:53
by wwo
Let's not forget that while I have played many games under the influence of weed or shrooms, rabican is and will always be the king of drunk myth.

Re: GKG's Top Myth Players Of All Time

Posted: 22 Aug 2016, 00:27
by adrenaline
It actually was Badlands koth... I do remember having soulless.

Re: GKG's Top Myth Players Of All Time

Posted: 27 Aug 2016, 21:47
by Pogue
Lol GKG's list is a joke. Adrenaline is pretty much right on every level. GKG is a little bitch who sucked at this game when there were more than the same 40 people playing, and ranking Dantski over players like Myrk and Sam? You fucking mongoloid.

Re: GKG's Top Myth Players Of All Time

Posted: 28 Aug 2016, 01:35
by Giant Killer General

Re: GKG's Top Myth Players Of All Time

Posted: 28 Aug 2016, 02:55
by Lord---Scary Owl
Pogue wrote: ranking Dantski over players like Myrk and Sam?

Re: GKG's Top Myth Players Of All Time

Posted: 28 Aug 2016, 12:39
by par73
Pogue wrote:Lol GKG's list is a joke. Adrenaline is pretty much right on every level. GKG is a little bitch who sucked at this game when there were more than the same 40 people playing, and ranking Dantski over players like Myrk and Sam? You fucking mongoloid.

HEY YOU'RE BACK :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Re: GKG's Top Myth Players Of All Time

Posted: 30 Aug 2016, 16:40
by qwerty12345
this list is clearly shit.

Actually it's worse than shit, it's god awful shit. I'm better than a lot of players on that list, and I sure as hell aint top 50 material.

tl;dr: Both GKG and his list are shit.

Re: GKG's Top Myth Players Of All Time

Posted: 30 Aug 2016, 19:55
by Asmodian
qwerty12345 wrote:this list is clearly shit.

Actually it's worse than shit, it's god awful shit. I'm better than a lot of players on that list, and I sure as hell aint top 50 material.

tl;dr: Both GKG and his list are shit.
Which player(s) are you better than on this list?

I just looked through it and couldn't see an obvious one that comes to mind.

Re: GKG's Top Myth Players Of All Time

Posted: 30 Aug 2016, 22:23
by Giant Killer General
notice how after all the discussion in this thread and in the myth lobbies, not a single person mentioned qwerty. I don't think his own tcox teammate grim even thought of him in his other list. Quite the forgettable player. And qwerty himself can't name a single person on the list that he thinks he is better than.

some hilarious butthurt going on here.

Re: GKG's Top Myth Players Of All Time

Posted: 31 Aug 2016, 06:07
by Pogue
Giant Killer General wrote:Quite the forgettable player. And qwerty himself can't name a single person on the list that he thinks he is better than.
Qwerty's a transgender you insensitive conservative dick. Rinse your asshole with mint mouthwash so Asmo's breath doesn't smell like pig shit before he falls asleep with his She-Ra doll tonight.

Re: GKG's Top Myth Players Of All Time

Posted: 31 Aug 2016, 06:15
by Giant Killer General
I miss the days when pogue was somewhat funny some of the time.

Re: GKG's Top Myth Players Of All Time

Posted: 31 Aug 2016, 06:20
by adrenaline
but honestly... what kind of a douchebag does it take to come on here and post something like GKG just did? a simple "sorry no you aren't good enough" would have sufficed... but you have to be all like "no fuk u newb u suck dicks" instead, and top it all off by calling him "butthurt".

let's be really real for a second here, GKG... Have you ever had sex... with a woman?

Re: GKG's Top Myth Players Of All Time

Posted: 31 Aug 2016, 06:29
by Giant Killer General
LOL, adren feels the need to protect qwerty. so precious.

He called me shit, I called him shit back. That's par for the course in a myth flame. If you don't want to get burnt, then stay out of the kitchen.

I am sure he is a big boy and can handle it you sensitive nancy. You disrespect him more than me by assuming he needs your help.

Re: GKG's Top Myth Players Of All Time

Posted: 31 Aug 2016, 07:36
by adrenaline
i'll take that as a "no".

Re: GKG's Top Myth Players Of All Time

Posted: 31 Aug 2016, 11:55
by qwerty12345
christ you guys are easy to troll.

In all seriousness though here are 10 people that are better than one or more of the people on your list: (I didn't bother to read through more than the first page)

Ramirez (before he started playing off a laptop on an oil rig in the north sea)

Re: GKG's Top Myth Players Of All Time

Posted: 31 Aug 2016, 12:51
by par73
magne's pretty low here, i think this case can be made without any film evidence.

based on the premises here, we have winning tfc2 mwc04 mwc08 and coming in second (the only player who actually turned the games into a match) in chohan's 1v1 tournament within that 03-13 period
and then hitting the nail on the head with the other 4 premises

looking at the 10 ahead of magne in comparison based on the first premise of your rankings

39) Magne - tfc2, mwc04, mwc08, 2nd in cho's 1v1 for his loot and pride
38) Neo - mwc04, shamlegger street rudeboys (tws2)
37) Erik - really well known 1v1 player who could 1v1 with the best around that early era. retired btt but was bested by cho a day later.
36) Soulblighter - tcl?? Np mwc03 mwc06 - probably some other np victories in there but i heard the half-swedes weren't really around all that much anyway. sb might have been around the most in that time. rab quote on sb "sb was really good at making people think he was really good"
35) Duan - he won the finals of some ffa/1v1 tournament hosted by the japaenese players, i think. might have also been crc.
34) Loial - TFC2 and mwc04. considered to be one of the most underrated of all bme players, loial was also known to be a solid opponent 1v1. lots of 1v1 practice with cho, dwarf, etc. did not place in cho's 1v1 tournament (or placed below mag)
33) Naelot - mwc03, idk about 1v1s
32) Ska - one of the top fetchballers of all time, constantly made his teammates better with the way he played the captain role tws1 tws2 mwc09 mwc10
31) Karma - mwc10, maybe a tws?
30) Paris - 4 mwcs some 2nd places in 1v1 tournaments, only one i can remember is melee tourney tho so maybe just one
29) Monty - mwc11, i don't recall any 1v1 tourney play
28) Bone - 0 mwcs maybe a 2nd place in a 1v1? idk, i don't think i lost to him in 1v1 tourneys tho

the only players with 2team success before this time of 03-13 are naelot (SF wins) and sb (Np wins)
did i miss any tourney achievement in that time period for these players? i don't think so, feel free to comment. i think magne's 1v1 prowess and 2t achievement bumps him over sb's 2team achievements based on the premises

anyway speaking of qwerty he could probably fall within this group of players as a great supporting players who won mwc and one of the few to actually take a game or two off cho during his 1v1 tourney

this list skews the line between highlighting 03-13 peaks for players with tournament achievement and gkg's ideal/past teammates/foes quite a bit, and for magne i think this is one of those cases where he is misrepresented.

then lets take into account that there is a premise that a player who stopped playing theoretically, for this list, had 'never stopped playing and continued to get better'. good lord.

for magne the most loved myther of all time

Re: GKG's Top Myth Players Of All Time

Posted: 31 Aug 2016, 14:50
by sasper
i went to school with qwerty. he was always the odd kid. never much good at myth either.

Re: GKG's Top Myth Players Of All Time

Posted: 31 Aug 2016, 14:51
by Giant Killer General
I agree about magne, so I bumped him.

Qwerty absolutely does not belong on the list. Just another mediocre player with 2001 flatline syndrome, as evidenced by his troll list.

Re: GKG's Top Myth Players Of All Time

Posted: 01 Sep 2016, 12:54
by sasper
its true that both fagline and sunstyle were much better than gig in their day, gkg was in the dying days of myth.

Re: GKG's Top Myth Players Of All Time

Posted: 05 Sep 2016, 22:38
by Pogue
Giant Killer General wrote:I miss the days when pogue was somewhat funny some of the time.
I miss the days when you weren't an elitist cunt who wrote essay length posts. Oh wait, I must have just imagined those. If there was a God, you'd have caught a bullet in Iraq. Shut up.

Re: GKG's Top Myth Players Of All Time

Posted: 05 Sep 2016, 23:12
by Cutard

Re: GKG's Top Myth Players Of All Time

Posted: 06 Sep 2016, 00:37
by Giant Killer General
Pogue wrote:I miss the days when you weren't an elitist cunt who wrote essay length posts. Oh wait, I must have just imagined those. If there was a God, you'd have caught a bullet in Iraq. Shut up.
i miss when you weren't so easily butthurt. troll harder bro.

Re: GKG's Top Myth Players Of All Time

Posted: 06 Sep 2016, 01:01
by Pogue
You realize that's your response to everyone when they call you out? Butthurt? Check. Troll? Check. Hilarious. Classic GKG, so easy to rustle your jimmies "bro".

Re: GKG's Top Myth Players Of All Time

Posted: 06 Sep 2016, 01:59
by Giant Killer General
and yours is "shut up" like a 12 year old that can't get his way?

gj bro.

Re: GKG's Top Myth Players Of All Time

Posted: 06 Sep 2016, 02:03
by Pogue
Where did I say shut up in that last post? Gj bringing up "you're a 12-year-old" you bust out that zinger all the time too. Well done, you never disappoint. So happy you've taken some time out from watching mazz films to reply to me so quickly.

Re: GKG's Top Myth Players Of All Time

Posted: 07 Sep 2016, 05:01
by Myrk
I can confirm from being in a shitton of finals in the competitive era, didn't see Kilg in a single final. Kil is either trolling hard or just insane.