Fantasy Myth *Updated*

Hosted by Asmodian
Posts: 1506
Joined: 22 Feb 2013, 07:28

Fantasy Myth *Updated*

Post by Asmodian »

Details coming soon. It will be similar to Fantasy football and players not in the tournament can participate as well.

You will get to select 5 players each week. Those players will accumulate points for reaching different achievements.

.5 point for every 10 damage.
2 point for having a positive dmg/dmg taken ratio per game.
6 points for having a positive dmg ratio throughout the whole series. (Minimum of 3 games played in a week)
2 points for getting a win
4 points per game for getting a win *For a in-game captain*

*5 point bonus per player* if you pick a player(s) who have never won a Myth World Cup [with the exception of LSO]

Unlike the draft since there’s no predetermined player pool I don’t have a way of breaking players down in categories. So the 5 players is open to anyone who may show. So to score High you should probably wait just before s match to pick your players or get knowledge before hand on who will show.

Picks lock in when the first game starts.

My apologies in advance for deleting previous post in this thread, but I want to clean it up for a clean slate.
Posts: 1506
Joined: 22 Feb 2013, 07:28

Re: Fantasy Myth *Updated*

Post by Asmodian »

My week 1 picks *subject to change before the first game*

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