Search found 59 matches

by enc
03 Aug 2018, 07:43
Forum: Godhead Articles
Topic: Myth Social Engineering
Replies: 18
Views: 17958

Re: Myth Social Engineering

Man, I just read the whole article and it's pretty cool !
by enc
20 Mar 2018, 06:41
Forum: Eblis Stone
Replies: 9
Views: 3992


please teach me, I'll call you daddy
by enc
20 Mar 2018, 06:40
Forum: Godhead Articles
Topic: Myth Social Engineering
Replies: 18
Views: 17958

Re: Myth Social Engineering

This was written years ago ! I like it, didn't remember I could speak somewhat proper english back in the days
by enc
19 Mar 2018, 22:04
Forum: Godhead Articles
Topic: Myth Social Engineering
Replies: 18
Views: 17958

Re: Myth Social Engineering

thanks you very much !
by enc
19 Mar 2018, 22:01
Forum: Godhead Articles
Topic: Myth Social Engineering
Replies: 18
Views: 17958

Myth Social Engineering

Found this, somewhere on my computer ! This short article will be about the use of the social engineering in a myth environment. First of all, what’s the social engineering? Wikipedia says “(…)a collection of techniques used to manipulate people into performing actions(…)”. One of the SE guru is the...
by enc
18 Aug 2017, 19:59
Forum: Eblis Stone
Topic: Worst Zaknafein Memories:
Replies: 14
Views: 3893

Re: Worst Zaknafein Memories:

You hated playing myth with zak ?
Try to play solium infernum with him. Fun guaranteed.
by enc
01 Oct 2016, 19:23
Forum: Eblis Stone
Topic: f*ck you america
Replies: 15
Views: 5219

Re: f*ck you america

yo, gimme the link to a new torrent website pls
by enc
24 Jul 2016, 10:22
Forum: Eblis Stone
Topic: f*ck you america
Replies: 15
Views: 5219

f*ck you america

Don't you have better things to do than close my favorite torrent website ?

by enc
15 Jul 2016, 10:10
Forum: Eblis Stone
Topic: How I feel today
Replies: 9
Views: 2827

How I feel today

by enc
06 Jul 2016, 19:56
Forum: Eblis Stone
Topic: Eurocup 2016
Replies: 68
Views: 15460

Re: Eurocup 2016

by enc
15 Jun 2016, 21:39
Forum: Eblis Stone
Topic: Eurocup 2016
Replies: 68
Views: 15460

Re: Eurocup 2016

watching this match was as boring as watching obelix vs edulus 1vs1 Raid lmoth 90 mins with deathmatch on
by enc
13 Jun 2016, 16:29
Forum: Eblis Stone
Topic: Best Player: GKG, Kirk, Chohan, TAINTED BLISS, or Zaknafein
Replies: 21
Views: 5458

Re: Best Player: GKG, Kirk, Chohan, TAINTED BLISS, or Zaknaf

I dont see babyshaker in that list.
by enc
11 Jun 2016, 17:36
Forum: Eblis Stone
Topic: the people on myth these days
Replies: 3
Views: 1720

Re: the people on myth these days

adren~those low level games
by enc
09 Jun 2016, 10:25
Forum: Eblis Stone
Topic: the people on myth these days
Replies: 3
Views: 1720

the people on myth these days

wtf why would you heal the wight on pg lmoth 2 teams.
by enc
07 Jun 2016, 22:20
Forum: Eblis Stone
Topic: when reddit stumbles upon myth 2...
Replies: 13
Views: 3864

Re: when reddit stumbles upon myth 2...

that reddit post made me log on myth and play 3 games in a row as a host and plenty of people joined in and i put that shit router into dmz mode so ppl could join, didnt type in my browser for so long.
good times good times !
by enc
07 Jun 2016, 21:51
Forum: Eblis Stone
Topic: wwo was also in the mwc1998 finals as one of the first mwc L
Replies: 8
Views: 2679

Re: wwo was also in the mwc1998 finals as one of the first m

france won the only 1998 finals that matters.
by enc
01 Jun 2016, 17:37
Forum: Eblis Stone
Topic: ATTN : CU
Replies: 5
Views: 2021


Dingo47: hi, CU asked me to tell you to accept his friend request
Dingo47: that is all
Dantski: but he has nothing interesting to say
Dingo47: that's also true

Sorry, I tried my hardest
by enc
11 May 2016, 23:38
Forum: Eblis Stone
Topic: First year since 2002 with no MWC?
Replies: 89
Views: 19252

Re: First year since 2002 with no MWC?

holy shit, rabican totally confirms that he's back too !!

Dingo47: lets play in mwc16 instead !
rabocan: heh
rabocan: yeaaah thats prolly not happening
by enc
11 May 2016, 20:00
Forum: Eblis Stone
Topic: First year since 2002 with no MWC?
Replies: 89
Views: 19252

Re: First year since 2002 with no MWC?

sup, i'll play if a team wants me.
rust status : over 9000, and I can't get past level 4 at enter the gungeon, that's how bad i am at videogames.
Also i uninstalled dota after playing it only 5500 hours.
by enc
08 May 2016, 14:50
Forum: Eblis Stone
Topic: First year since 2002 with no MWC?
Replies: 89
Views: 19252

Re: First year since 2002 with no MWC?

This is Kirk when he's trying to park his V8 : ... voisin_fun
by enc
08 Dec 2015, 23:23
Forum: Eblis Stone
Topic: Dearest Grim
Replies: 5
Views: 1694

Re: Dearest Grim

I have the same feelings as cu. How does it feel to be a frenchman cu ?
by enc
14 Nov 2015, 21:18
Forum: Eblis Stone
Replies: 331
Views: 63335


isnt nba this sport where tony parker beats everyone?
by enc
14 Nov 2015, 21:16
Forum: Eblis Stone
Topic: here's why it doesn't work
Replies: 15
Views: 3817

Re: here's why it doesn't work

zak calling someone with 80 acounts "crazy". Oh the irony
by enc
29 Aug 2015, 06:19
Forum: Eblis Stone
Topic: Myth euro meeting
Replies: 9
Views: 2863

Re: Myth euro meeting

did not hate the idea! your facts are wrong
by enc
28 Aug 2015, 16:52
Forum: Eblis Stone
Topic: Myth euro meeting
Replies: 9
Views: 2863

Re: Myth euro meeting

by enc
27 Aug 2015, 19:53
Forum: Eblis Stone
Topic: Myth euro meeting
Replies: 9
Views: 2863

Myth euro meeting

Fuck, this needs to happen !
Grim's in charge
by enc
27 Aug 2015, 19:52
Forum: Eblis Stone
Topic: Dearest Enculator
Replies: 12
Views: 3801

Re: Dearest Enculator

did you enjoy versailles ?
by enc
11 Aug 2015, 18:43
Forum: Eblis Stone
Topic: What in the actual..
Replies: 26
Views: 9440

Re: What in the actual..

cauz my dl link is ded
sorry myth community i have failed you
by enc
02 Aug 2015, 12:54
Forum: Eblis Stone
Topic: Dear DantesPeak
Replies: 7
Views: 2689

Re: Dear DantesPeak

go visit imperial war museum its nice !
by enc
02 Aug 2015, 12:44
Forum: Eblis Stone
Topic: Dearest Enculator
Replies: 12
Views: 3801

Re: Dearest Enculator

Go to Versailles :-O My favorite museum is le centre pompidou, modern art thingy. I also enjoy "la gallerie de l'évolution", it has a lot of stuffed animal its fun ! And enjoy paying for overpriced stuffs. I lived in Paris for 2 months, it's beautiful, but I really hate this city. And yeah...
by enc
01 Aug 2015, 08:28
Forum: Eblis Stone
Topic: Female players
Replies: 43
Views: 13926

Re: Female players

qwerty is the hotest !
by enc
01 Aug 2015, 08:26
Forum: Eblis Stone
Topic: typical conversation with rabican
Replies: 0
Views: 1216

typical conversation with rabican

This morning I wake up, see that I forgot to turn off my computer, and discover this cute rabocan monologue on steamchat : rabocan: penis rabocan: pei rabocan: gl rabocan: penis rabocan: 2am good am rabocan: aaah pawn your penis rabocan: i have a good idea rabocan: you might ´pawn your manboobs rabo...
by enc
03 Jul 2015, 00:19
Forum: Myth World Cup 2015
Topic: Hello Tirri, Ska, & Enculator:
Replies: 4
Views: 1771

Re: Hello Tirri, Ska, & Enculator:

by enc
18 Jun 2015, 23:38
Forum: Eblis Stone
Topic: Download Link?
Replies: 4
Views: 1950

Re: Download Link?

yeahhh sorry didnt find a way to put it back again.. :/
by enc
18 Jun 2015, 20:28
Forum: Myth World Cup 2015
Topic: Europeans Stepping Up To Asmodian's Challenge (ESUTAC)
Replies: 28
Views: 5802

Re: Europeans Stepping Up To Asmodian's Challenge (ESUTAC)

hi grim !
I'll be happy to play with you, however I can't this saturday, reason : beach.
Will be able to play on other weekends tho
by enc
29 May 2015, 21:06
Forum: Eblis Stone
Topic: Pls respond
Replies: 22
Views: 5575

Re: Pls respond

mmm they took down my mighty myth dl link, RIP MYTH 2 YOU RE NOW DEAD.
P.s : gonna upload it on an other site i guess
by enc
29 May 2015, 20:36
Forum: Eblis Stone
Topic: The greatest action movie ever made
Replies: 14
Views: 4156

Re: The greatest action movie ever made

you'll enjoy mad max, krok, it has a big ass 4 wheel drive truck, pregnant girls (oh wait that's grim's fetish), and suicide bombers
by enc
29 May 2015, 20:34
Forum: Eblis Stone
Topic: Myth World Cup 2015
Replies: 47
Views: 11438

Re: Myth World Cup 2015

sup grim
by enc
29 May 2015, 20:31
Forum: Eblis Stone
Topic: DOTA 2
Replies: 29
Views: 6210

Re: DOTA 2

yo captain, i added u.
also don't play with myrk
also rab re installed it since the new patch is pretty nice
by enc
29 May 2015, 20:26
Forum: Eblis Stone
Topic: MWC Official Announcement
Replies: 17
Views: 5184

Re: MWC Official Announcement

sorry zak, no one likes cheaters
by enc
17 May 2015, 18:39
Forum: Eblis Stone
Topic: Breaking news
Replies: 1
Views: 717

Breaking news

Terry Pratchett passed away 2 months ago.
RIP childhood
by enc
10 Apr 2015, 09:00
Forum: Eblis Stone
Topic: Pls respond
Replies: 22
Views: 5575

Re: Pls respond

if you want the iso i think adrenaline put it somewhere on the internet, dont remember where.
by enc
10 Apr 2015, 08:57
Forum: Eblis Stone
Topic: Pls respond
Replies: 22
Views: 5575

Re: Pls respond

its not an iso but it probably still works since is an amazing ISP
You unzip shits, then apply the latest patch (either mac or pc), and it works.
by enc
26 Mar 2015, 07:20
Forum: Eblis Stone
Topic: Top games for 2015, that isnt myth
Replies: 9
Views: 2334

Re: Top games for 2015, that isnt myth

hotline miami 2.

that is all
by enc
30 Jan 2015, 19:34
Forum: Eblis Stone
Topic: Myth Videos/YouTube
Replies: 39
Views: 25665

Re: Myth Videos/YouTube

damn, I miss myth.
by enc
30 Jan 2015, 19:22
Forum: Eblis Stone
Topic: Kirk Glover, the early days
Replies: 5
Views: 1533

Re: Kirk Glover, the early days

by enc
29 Jan 2015, 00:35
Forum: Eblis Stone
Topic: Kirk Glover, the early days
Replies: 5
Views: 1533

Kirk Glover, the early days

by enc
20 Jan 2015, 05:49
Forum: Eblis Stone
Topic: Tiny players list (brown noses who love each other)
Replies: 9
Views: 2451

Re: Tiny players list (brown noses who love each other)

is that the penis enlargement thread ?