Search found 21 matches

by Vasazel
31 Jul 2018, 19:10
Forum: Eblis Stone
Topic: myth dl
Replies: 8
Views: 4710

Re: myth dl

Dl for windows is at the top of the page as well as the myth discords. Send me a message if you need mac or linux Dls.
by Vasazel
26 Jul 2018, 19:26
Forum: Gate of Storms
Topic: Proxy Auto-Host not working
Replies: 1
Views: 2501

Re: Proxy Auto-Host not working

by Vasazel
02 Jul 2018, 03:16
Forum: Eblis Stone
Topic: How to install 1.8 Public Beta 1 (with pictures!)
Replies: 4
Views: 3578

Re: How to install 1.8 Public Beta 1 (with pictures!)

The links for all DL's are at:

Godz instructions should work.
by Vasazel
01 Jul 2018, 07:16
Forum: Myth World Cup 2018
Replies: 2
Views: 2388


MWCXX OFFICIAL WEBSITE LAUNCH Good evening. I know everyone has been waiting a long time for some information on MWCXX, and the planners of this tourney sincerely apologise for the delay. That being said, we are ready to make Myth Great Again™ with our official MWC 2018 website at: http://www.mythw...
by Vasazel
08 Jun 2018, 23:44
Forum: Eblis Stone
Topic: clits
Replies: 2
Views: 2715

Re: clits

Welcome back Sasper!
by Vasazel
05 Jun 2018, 18:20
Forum: Eblis Stone
Topic: Bagrada chat
Replies: 9
Views: 4930

Re: Bagrada chat

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Screen Shot 2018-06-04 at 4.43.56 PM.png
by Vasazel
05 Jun 2018, 18:19
Forum: Eblis Stone
Topic: Bagrada chat
Replies: 9
Views: 4930

Re: Bagrada chat

More like me curating his views on life
by Vasazel
04 Jun 2018, 05:59
Forum: Eblis Stone
Topic: Bagrada chat
Replies: 9
Views: 4930

Re: Bagrada chat

idiot wrote:Yeah casual racism inspired by 4chan's /pol board really is great isn't it? Haha nice meme!
This isn't a meme, this is a collection of a great players thoughts.
by Vasazel
04 Jun 2018, 01:24
Forum: Eblis Stone
Topic: Bagrada chat
Replies: 9
Views: 4930

Re: Bagrada chat

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by Vasazel
04 Jun 2018, 01:24
Forum: Eblis Stone
Topic: Bagrada chat
Replies: 9
Views: 4930

Re: Bagrada chat

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Screen Shot 2018-06-03 at 8.18.18 PM.png
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by Vasazel
04 Jun 2018, 01:19
Forum: Eblis Stone
Topic: Bagrada chat
Replies: 9
Views: 4930

Re: Bagrada chat

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by Vasazel
04 Jun 2018, 01:18
Forum: Eblis Stone
Topic: Bagrada chat
Replies: 9
Views: 4930

Re: Bagrada chat

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by Vasazel
03 Jun 2018, 19:48
Forum: Eblis Stone
Topic: Bagrada chat
Replies: 9
Views: 4930

Bagrada chat

It's about time to dedicate a thread to our favourite differently-abled myther.

Post your best Bagrada/Bronson/Shadow chat here. Will update the thread as the messages come.
Screen Shot 2018-06-03 at 2.17.45 PM.png
by Vasazel
06 May 2018, 21:27
Forum: The Winter Series X
Topic: TBBB triumphs over TB!
Replies: 3
Views: 3067

TBBB triumphs over TB!

In a nail biter going to Round 6, Team Bogans Behaving Badly beat Tandem Bike 3 - 2 -1.

Films are attached. Very well played on both sides. Worth a watch.

by Vasazel
23 Jul 2017, 08:53
Forum: The Peter J. Knockworthy Hyperextended Illuminati Validation Tour
Topic: Tournament name tbd
Replies: 18
Views: 10589

Re: Tournament name tbd

Brilliant. Destined for success. Will participate.
by Vasazel
26 May 2017, 19:51
Forum: Myth World Cup 2017
Topic: MWC 2017 - Maps
Replies: 46
Views: 12757

Re: MWC 2017 - Maps

Some map suggestions: 10 min KOTH on Cardinal Sins (I'm still finding a link) 12 mins Captures on Rank and Defiled (Myrks) : 14 min CTF on The Spinach Between Your Teeth (light) . I think this might be the plug:
by Vasazel
21 May 2017, 19:35
Forum: Myth World Cup 2017
Topic: MWC 2017 Team Registration
Replies: 131
Views: 29200

Re: MWC 2017 Team Registration

par73 wrote:"Meanwhile that Teng dude is likely the same dude who changes his name every year.
It's not coke, that guy actually typed in chat and raged occasionally.
by Vasazel
15 Apr 2017, 07:03
Forum: Announcements
Topic: New GoS Accounts!
Replies: 47
Views: 59944

Re: New GoS Accounts!

That worked. Thanks!
by Vasazel
15 Apr 2017, 03:24
Forum: Announcements
Topic: New GoS Accounts!
Replies: 47
Views: 59944

Re: New GoS Accounts!

If you've gotten to the part where it gives you a username/login you should be good. I guess the issue is that myrgard didn't provide me with the new set of login credentials after i relinked my steam account with my forum account. The old set of credentials do not work anymore. Not sure how to gen...
by Vasazel
14 Apr 2017, 23:03
Forum: Announcements
Topic: New GoS Accounts!
Replies: 47
Views: 59944

Re: New GoS Accounts!

I relinked my steam account, but I still can't seem to log into the metaserver using the username and password I have at the profile section of my Myrgard account. Could you clarify the process once more?