Take MiH out, just call us champs

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Re: Take MiH out, just call us champs

by Lizard King » 12 Mar 2017, 23:47


Re: Take MiH out, just call us champs

by Lizard King » 15 Feb 2017, 20:28

Lahl. Quit stealing my quotes. Were you and Par not big boys? I doubt he would appreciate that. You sportin those huggies bro?

What's this!? http://gateofstorms.net/tournaments/WDS2017/rounds/556 Looks like pecker slap mid, rape day south to me.

Re: Take MiH out, just call us champs

by Asmodian » 15 Feb 2017, 16:12

Come on now you, VERMINIX and Rat are 3 competent players. Akira pampered to you guys when you said you would only play with VERMINIX and have had an unfair advantage all tournament long.

Now that the big boys are out to play it's time for you to finish in your usual 2nd/3rd place. Don't go hiding now that the teams are on equal footing. We going to give you that Rape Day north & Pecker Slap mid, bro.

Re: Take MiH out, just call us champs

by Lizard King » 15 Feb 2017, 03:49

What sure loss or talent are you referring to? Your crappy team? Bitch please.

Re: Take MiH out, just call us champs

by Asmodian » 15 Feb 2017, 02:39

Its been pretty sloppy, but it's whatever it's myth it's to be expected at this point. Seems like this is an excuse for your team to dodge a sure loss now that there is more talent on teams. It's pretty easy to win when you are essentially always in a 3v2 with VERMINIX,Rat and yourself.

Re: Take MiH out, just call us champs

by Lizard King » 14 Feb 2017, 18:40

None of this has been done correctly from the get to. I don't feel like wasting another Saturday re-stomping the same teams we already shit all over. Battle for the scraps.

Re: Take MiH out, just call us champs

by par73 » 14 Feb 2017, 13:22

Lizard King wrote:Rules you've made up on the go at every turn from forfeits to draft rules.
Only rule he made up on the go was that the first seed from the previous tournament would get the first draft pick, I wonder who that favored?

Every other draft order I've ever seen, whether professional or amateur, either supported the weakest team(s) with the first pick, or was based on a random order.

In the end it was the rules that decided the teams, the team lists and the draft order, not Akira's first glance at drafting the teams with an incorrect draft order.

You'd prefer it if he messed it up and just kept it as is ? This is the first time we have done a double draft in a myth tournament, I'd rather see it done correctly and never used again than see it be done in error where the TO didn't follow his own guidelines to the letter.

Re: Take MiH out, just call us champs

by akira » 14 Feb 2017, 00:34

This should be the final revision, save anyone finding an error with the methodology. I encourage you to draft the teams yourself using the above pick orders.

Let me know if you find a different result!

Re: Take MiH out, just call us champs

by Lizard King » 14 Feb 2017, 00:07

Should have just called that tournament “akira’s draft”, let people know right away they have no say in their kickball selections, because in the end he decides the teams. Can't wait to see the 4th, 5th, and 6th revisions when you don't like the results day of game. You're a joke and your last response summarizes you and this tourney: sloppy, disorganized, crooked, unreliable. Can't wait to see the 10th draft revision the day of the finals because you made it up on the spot then want to lie and posture like it's something you always had planned. I doubt you can organize your sock drawer let alone a tourney on some shitty old game. Congrats on pushing out the best team in the tournament, by far, with your absolute stupidity. Class act broseph.

Re: Take MiH out, just call us champs

by akira » 13 Feb 2017, 22:38

Yes very sloppy/moronic/idiotic/stupid of me.

Lesson to all: take your time on things and don't rush!

But all is well now because all rules were followed with the 3rd revision!

Re: Take MiH out, just call us champs

by Lizard King » 13 Feb 2017, 22:28

Lie to yourself, not to me. You "redid" the draft the second time because you weren't even aware of your rules that were supposedly there forever? Lahl, you're either flat out retarded or just doing as you please, either scenario just makes me laugh at how incompetently you've handled everything.

Re: Take MiH out, just call us champs

by akira » 13 Feb 2017, 22:28

forfeit rules and draft rules were up before the tourney ever started, so i haven't changed them or made them up on the spot. please note, this is different from 1) one's reading them or 2) one's comprehension of them.


Re: Take MiH out, just call us champs

by Lizard King » 13 Feb 2017, 22:24

Rules you've made up on the go at every turn from forfeits to draft rules. You're a clown with 0 integrity and we don't consider you a worthy adversary. Do what you want with your shitty tourney :D I'm pretty sure trev will be the only one showing up, but w/e.

Re: Take MiH out, just call us chumps

by akira » 13 Feb 2017, 22:22

the rules have neither flipped nor flopped

i have no agenda nor do i care what the teams are.

i've spoken with trev, MiH will keep playing, albeit without you and possibly VERMINIX...so far you're the only person who has had an issue with me following the rules

Take MiH out, just call us champs

by Lizard King » 13 Feb 2017, 22:17

We have no interest in showing up to some shitty tourney that's consistently flip flopping on rules, TO's that cater to themselves or shitty teams that we've already stomped into fucking oblivion with ease. I don't see that trend stopping either looking at these rosters. Undoubtedly the worst tournament myth has even seen thrown together. Mic drop. Keep editing my posts you coward aki. :) Come back on later and maybe I can give you another 2v1 stomping ;)
